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aging through childhood, adulthood and old age

Have Scientists Found a Way for People to Live Longer?

STEM Explained

Everything and everyone ages. But scientists have made discoveries about our cells and circulatory and immune systems that could potentially one day be used to increase human lifespans.

Lacks historical marker in Clover, Virginia

Why is Henrietta Lacks Important?

STEM Explained

When the cells of Henrietta Lacks were collected by medical researchers after her death in 1951, it changed the future of medicine.

bees on frame held by beekeeper

How are the World's Bee Populations Doing?

STEM Explained

Bees are important for agriculture. But bee populations face threats. This resource looks at Colony Collapse Disorder, herbicides & pesticides, and more.

Boy on bicycle

How Can I Go Faster on My Bike?

STEM Explained

You don’t have to pedal harder to go faster. You just have to understand a little bit about gravity, drag and friction!

Canadian pilot

From Sky to Space

STEM Explained

Canadian astronauts Jeremy Hansen and David Saint-Jacques explain how learning to fly an aircraft prepared them for the challenges of living in space.

Woman having a panic attack

Chemical Equilibrium and Panic Attacks

STEM Explained

Panic attacks are scary and they upset your body’s chemical equilibrium. Learn what happens to acids & bases in your circulatory system during a panic attack.

Asteroid approaching Earth

Could We Stop an Asteroid?

STEM Explained

If an asteroid were to hit the Earth it could be disastrous. Here are some ways we could protect ourselves.

Screen capture from the video “Dealing With Asteroids and Other Space Hazards”

Dealing with Asteroids and Other Space Hazards

STEM Explained

Find out how asteroids, space debris, and cosmic radiation can be dangerous, and how to monitor them and protect ourselves from these space hazards.

Bee exiting a bee house

Design & Build a Bee House


Students will learn about the human impacts on bee populations as they design, test, build and observe a structure for solitary bees.

Shoe tread (aligraham, Pixabay)

Design & Build a Non-Slip Boot Tread


Students work collaboratively to design and build a boot tread that will use friction to prevent slipping on an incline.

Man being struck by lightning

Do Amps or Volts Kill You?

STEM Explained

This resource explains electricity basics - volts, amps, currents, resistance, and why it is dangerous to touch electrical outlets with wet hands.

Woodpecker on a tree

Do Woodpeckers Get Concussions?

STEM Explained

Pecking puts a lot of force on a woodpecker’s brain. But scientists think woodpecker bodies are adapted to help keep them from being injured during pecking-related collisions.

a boy looks at a hamburger

Do You Know What's On Your Plate?

STEM Explained

In 2013, many Europeans learned their beef lasagnas were actually made of horse meat. Learn about food fraud, and how a Canadian invention can help detect it.

Wind turbines with energy storage system

Can You Store Electricity for Later?

STEM Explained

Sometimes, power plants make too much electricity. Energy storage technologies can help! They store the extra electricity and release it when demand goes up.

Artist’s conception of NASA’s Space Launch System

Escape Velocity

STEM Explained

Why do a baseball and a rocket need the same launch speed to get from Earth into space? It has to do with physics and gravitational force.