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Beamline Assembly at TRIUMF

Exploring Canada’s Particle Accelerators

STEM Explained

Particle accelerators have amazing applications - from growing food to making airplanes safe.

Objects made from a variety of materials

Properties of Materials

Picture Collections

10 images showing objects that are hard, soft, flexible, rigid, rough, smooth, strong, fragile, buoyant and non-buoyant

A mole and the number of atoms or molecules in a mole

Moles and Molarity: Counting and Chemistry from Donuts to Soap

STEM Explained

To count tiny things like atoms and molecules, scientists use a measurement called the mole.

Graphic representation of the DNA sequence

Sanger Sequencing


Learn about DNA sequencing and the Sanger Sequencing method.

Package of seeds

Seeds and Germination


Learn what’s inside a tomato seed, how it travels, and all the things it needs to germinate and grow.

Maturation of tomato fruit

The Life Cycle of a Tomato Plant


Learn about the pollination, fertilization, germination and growth of tomato plants.

Cross-section of the Earth showing layers.

Why does the Earth have Layers?

STEM Explained

An in-depth look at how the Earth got its layers.

Do you see a face in that electric socket? (michaeljmc, iStockPhoto)

Facial Recognition and the Brain

STEM Explained

Learn how your brain recognizes faces and why you sometimes see them in places they don’t exist!

Cartoon Higgs boson particle (lineartestpilot, iStockphoto)

Why Care About the Higgs Boson?

STEM Explained

Physicists are a bit like chefs, except they’re trying to figure out the recipe for the universe.

Ice technician on a zamboni at an outdoor skating rink

The Hidden Heroes of Hockey!

STEM Explained

Ice Technicians use math and physics in order to keep the ice ready for hockey.

Infant receiving a vaccination

Immunity and Vaccination


Learn about the history of vaccines and how vaccines trigger an immune response that keep us from getting some dangerous diseases.

The Jodrell Bank Lovell Telescope located in Cheshire, England

Telescopes and Astronomy


Visible light is only part of what astronomers study. They use different types of telescopes to study the entire electromagnetic spectrum.

Skyglow from a city and highway

Light Pollution

STEM Explained

Light can be a type of pollution. Learn about the damage it causes to people and living things as well as how you can prevent it.

Melissa Valdez at CERN

Antimatter and Why It Matters to Me

STEM Explained

Melissa Valdez talks about her exciting work on antimatter at CERN when she was a graduate student at York University.

Bee on flower covered in pollen

Pollinators are Important!

STEM Explained

Insects and other animals that are pollinators of plants play an important role in ecosystems.