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Mars Science Laboratory Parachute Qualification Testing

Testing Parachutes for Mars

STEM Explained

NASA engineers apply kinematics and dynamics to test parachutes designed specifically to help space probes land safely using aerodynamics.


The Water Cycle

Picture Collections

1 diagram illustrating the water cycle

Students studying outdoors on grass

The Benefits of Going Outside

STEM Explained

Spending time outside has important physical and psychological benefits. It can even help you learn better!

A set of lipstick in various colours

The Chemistry of Lipstick

STEM Explained

Learn about the organic compounds that make up lipstick as well as about some of the chemistry that goes into this popular cosmetic.

DNA barcoding used to test food

The Classification of Life: From Linnaeus to DNA Barcoding


Learn about two taxonomy systems that scientists use to classify the life around us.

A person’s hand holding a cold pack on an ankle

The Cold Pack: A Chilly Example of an Endothermic Reaction

STEM Explained

When you hurt your ankle, thermodynamics can help you heal! An endothermic reaction reduces the swelling by cooling your injury.

Several longhouse and other stone structures on Pamiok Island, in Ungava Bay, Quebec

The Dating Habits of Archaeologists

STEM Explained

Radiocarbon dating is a method of radiometric dating. Learn how archaeologists use carbon isotopes to find the age of organic materials at archaeological sites.

Wasted food on the ground

The Environmental Impact of Wasted Food

STEM Explained

One-third of all food produced is wasted. Learn about the environmental consequences of food waste, and what you can do about it.

AeroVelo's winning flight

The Hovering Human

STEM Explained

Learn how a team of Canadian engineers used Bernoulli’s Principle to design a human-powered helicopter. It set a world record for human-powered hovering flight!

Finger with a drop of blood

The Immune Response

STEM Explained

When you cut your finger, your immune system kicks in to protect you from pathogens.

The rocky planets

The Inner Solar System

STEM Explained

Earth is covered in rocks. So are Mercury, Venus, Mars and the Moon. Does that mean the rocky planets are all the same?

Keplers Supernova. Image © NASA

The Life and Death of Stars

STEM Explained

The life and death of stars form the chemical elements that make up Earth, making stars critical to life as we know it.

Milky Way galaxy as seen from Australia (Brett Ritchie via Unsplash)

The Milky Way

STEM Explained

In 2019, scientists discovered that our galaxy, the Milky Way, is not the shape they thought it was. How do astronomers use astronomical distance to understand the shapes of galaxies?

Ferris Wheel: The London Eye

Simple Machines: Wheels And Axles

Picture Collections

6 images of some objects such as ferris wheels and skate boards with wheel and axle mechanisms that create rotary movement

Wingsuit flying over Massachusetts

Soaring for Sport

STEM Explained

Ever dreamed if overcoming gravity and flying away? Using aerodynamics, wingsuit jumpers get as close to flight as humanly possible.