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Business & Economics

Kristina Elkhazin | Responsable de l’industrie de la vente au détail, Google Canada

Kristina Elkhazin

Career Profiles

Head of Industry for Retail

Kristina Elkhazin is the Head of Industry for Retail at Google.
Nicole Sokira | Spécialiste en intégrité des marchés

Nicole Sokira

Career Profiles

Market Integrity Specialist

Nicole Sokira is a Market Integrity Specialist for SAP.
Christopher Town |Christopher Towns | Conseiller-cadre en stratégie chez SAP

Christopher Towns

Career Profiles

Executive Strategy Advisor

Christopher Towns is an executive strategy advisor at SAP.
Dragan Lukic | Analyste en actuariat

Dragan Lukic

Career Profiles

Actuarial Analyst

Dragan Lukic is an actuarial analyst at Willis Towers Watson.
Mandy Rennehan |  PDG col-bleu et fondatrice de Freshco

Mandy Rennehan

Career Profiles

Blue-Collar CEO & Founder

Mandy Rennehan is the Blue-Collar CEO & Founder of Freshco.
Ken Peck | Educational publishing author and multimedia creation

Ken Peck

Career Profiles

Educational Publishing Author and Multimedia Creation, Self-Employed

Ken Peck is Self-Employed as an Educational Publishing Author and Multimedia Creator.
Laynie Perry | Conceptrice de contenu

Laynie Perry

Career Profiles

Content Designer

Laynie Perry is the Content Designer for Moncur Associates Branding Agency.
Hilda Broomfield Letemplier

Hilda Broomfield Letemplier

Career Profiles

President/Chief Financial Officer

Hilda Letemplier is the president/chief financial officer of Pressure Pipe Steel Fabrication Ltd.
Tammy Barrett | Directrice de la recherche et du développement

Tammy Barrett

Manager, Research and Development

Tammy Barrett is the Manager of Research and Development at Chapman’s Ice Cream.
Gerald Manning | Iqaluit Facility Manager

Gerald Manning

Career Profiles

Iqaluit Facility Manager

Gerald Manning is an Iqaluit Facility Manager for CGS, Gov. of Nunavut.
Debi Larkin | Cheffe de l’innovation inspirée par le client, 3M Canada

Debi Larkin

Career Profiles

Customer Inspired Innovation Leader

Debi Larkin is a customer inspired innovation leader at 3M Canada.
Warren Bills | Développement numérique des entreprises agricoles

Warren Bills

Digital Farming Business Development

Warren Bills works on Digital Farming Business Development for Bayer Crop Science.
Winnica Beltrano | Fondatrice et conseillère principale, Project Pulse Winnipeg

Winnica Beltrano

Founder & Principal Advisor

Winnica Beltrano is the Founder & Principal Advisor at Project Pulse Winnipeg.
Bryan Wilson - General Manager, North American Palladium

Bryan Wilson (Video)

Career Profiles

General Manager

Bryan Wilson is the General Manager at North American Palladium.
Eric Loo  | Directeur, Développement commercial pour Mitacs

Eric Loo

Career Profiles


Eric Loo is the director of Business Development for Mitacs.