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Big Idea: Energy can be transferred as both a particle and a wave.

portrait par Tyler Morhart

Tyler Morhart (he/him)

Career Profiles

Scientist, Beamline Responsible - SyLMAND

I’m a staff scientist at the Canadian Light Source synchrotron facility. I am responsible for the SyLMAND beamline.
Tyler Mohard wearing lab coat and hair net as he works in the SyLMAND lab

Tyler Morhart (video)

Career Profiles

Scientist, Beamline Responsible - SyLMAND

I am responsible for the SyLMAND beamline at the Canadian Light Source synchrotron facility.
Une personne portant des vêtements de protection, soudant un article.

Genevieve Ellis (she/her)

Career Profiles

Journey Person Boilermaker & Welding Supervisor

I oversee a group of welders and direct the work they do.
SIlhouette of a figure examining stars with a telescope

How could you build a refracting telescope using water as the lenses?

Hands-on Activities

Build your own refracting telescope using glasses of water as the lenses.

Lunar lander floating above the moon, with the Earth in the background

Let's Talk Space Exploration Resources


Discover a set of resources to develop background knowledge on the topic of space exploration.

Woman with Canadian flag near the ocean

Monitoring the Ocean with Radar


Learn about how a special type of radar helps monitor and protect Canada’s oceans.

C-band radar

Making Waves with Radar


Learn about how the radar works, the history and its many real life applications.


Strange Shapes in the Sky: Stealth and Flying Wings


Learn about how and why engineers designed and built some very unique aircraft.

Xiaoyi Bao

Xiaoyi Bao

Professor and Canada Research Chair

Dr. Xiaoyi Bao is Canada Research Chair in Fibre Optics and Photonics.
Astronauts from the Apollo Mission landing on the moon.

Let's Talk Lunar Resources


Discover some background information on how we'll learn to live and work on the Moon - and beyond!

Light bulb and cord in shape of a head

Light and Sound Inventions that Changed the World


Students will explore the societal impacts of inventions involving light and sound.

Do you see a face in that electric socket? (michaeljmc, iStockPhoto)

Facial Recognition and the Brain

STEM Explained

Learn how your brain recognizes faces and why you sometimes see them in places they don’t exist!

The Jodrell Bank Lovell Telescope located in Cheshire, England

Telescopes and Astronomy


Visible light is only part of what astronomers study. They use different types of telescopes to study the entire electromagnetic spectrum.

Mahadeo Sukhai

Mahadeo Sukhai

Vice President of Research & International Affairs and Chief Accessibility Officer

Mahadeo Sukhai is the Vice President of Research & International Affairs and Chief Accessibility Officer for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB).
Skyglow from a city and highway

Light Pollution

STEM Explained

Light can be a type of pollution. Learn about the damage it causes to people and living things as well as how you can prevent it.