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Big Idea: Changing ecosystems are maintained by natural processes.

Mussels on a rocky coastline

Using Mussels to Monitor the Environment

STEM Explained

Mussels are a kind of invertebrate that filter food out of the water they live in. This makes them a great tool for monitoring environmental water quality and tracking bioaccumulation in aquatic food webs.

Dense tropical rainforest

Tropical Rainforest Biome


Learn about the location, plants, animals, human impacts and conservation of tropical rainforest biome.

African savanna

Savanna Biome


Learn about the location, plants, animals, human impacts and conservation of the savanna biome.

Monument Valley, Arizona

Desert Biome


Learn about the location, plants, animals, human impacts and conservation of the desert biome.

Wild elk in boreal forest, Banff National Park

Boreal Forest/Taiga Biome


Learn about the location, plants, animals, human impacts and conservation of the boreal forest/Taiga biome and meet Anne-Claude Pépin who is a fire management technician.

Carly Silver | Écologiste associée

Carly Silver

Career Profiles

Associate Ecologist

Carly Silver is an Associate Ecologist for Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Solar panel project in Dakar, Senegal

What are Carbon Offsets?

STEM Explained

Can carbon offsets help you reduce your environmental footprint, practice sustainable living and fight climate change?

Hamilton, Ontario industrial area with Toronto skyline in the background

What are Greenhouse Gases?


This backgrounder explains what greenhouse gases are and how they contribute to climate change.

Biofuel concept

What are the Pros and Cons of Ethanol Biofuel?

STEM Explained

Biofuels like ethanol might help fight climate change. But they can contribute to food insecurity and greenhouse gases in ways that might surprise you.

Great tits eat from a bird feeder

Natural Selection in Your Backyard

STEM Explained

A study on bird feeders and beak sizes shows how an everyday human activity can affect the evolution of another species.

How does water move up a plant?

How does water move up a plant?

Hands-on Activities

Do an experiment with celery to learn about the structures that help plants take up water.

How do I construct a terrarium?

How do I construct a terrarium?

Hands-on Activities

You can make your own terrarium for growing plants!

 A forest damaged by pine beetles

How Do Introduced Species Affect Ecosystems and the Economy?

STEM Explained

When a species ends up outside of its natural zone, the consequences on other species, ecosystems and human industries can be severe. Climate change and human activities can introduce species into new zones.

fancy guppies

Guppies, Guppies Everywhere!

STEM Explained

How do different populations adapt to their environment? Let’s explore this concept through guppy speciation.

Narwhals, polar bears and other common Arctic animals swim in the Arctic waters.  Image © id-work, iStock

How are Arctic Animals in Canada Affected by Climate Change?

STEM Explained

Arctic animals have evolved to thrive in harsh arctic ecosystems, but the environmental footprint created by climate change is affecting their survival.