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Cluster 4: Weather Dynamics


Sun: Sunrise

Picture Collections

5 images of scenes showing various sunrises


Sun: Sunset

Picture Collections

5 images of scenes showing various sunsets

Radiation shielding garment on the International Space Station

Radiation and Human Space Exploration

STEM Explained

One of the greatest hazards that humans in space face is cosmic radiation. Learn what cosmic radiation is, why it's dangerous, and ways that we are looking at protecting humans in deep space.

Ship in Arctic waters

Reaching the Arctic

STEM Explained

How will arctic ice melt from climate change affect exploration, scientific research and geopolitics?

Students looking bored in class

Is There Too Much Carbon Dioxide in Your Classroom?

STEM Explained

Did you know that too much carbon dioxide in the classroom can affect your body, and even your grades?

How does rain become acidic?

How does rain become acidic?

Hands-on Activities

Learn how to make a pH indicator and test water samples.

 A forest damaged by pine beetles

How Do Introduced Species Affect Ecosystems and the Economy?

STEM Explained

When a species ends up outside of its natural zone, the consequences on other species, ecosystems and human industries can be severe. Climate change and human activities can introduce species into new zones.

Green walls in Harvard University

Green Walls

STEM Explained

Green walls use plant processes to improve air quality in buildings.

Narwhals, polar bears and other common Arctic animals swim in the Arctic waters.  Image © id-work, iStock

How are Arctic Animals in Canada Affected by Climate Change?

STEM Explained

Arctic animals have evolved to thrive in harsh arctic ecosystems, but the environmental footprint created by climate change is affecting their survival.

Cartoon aircraft in flight

Cosmic Radiation and Aviation


Learn how people came to understand the source of cosmic radiation, as well as how this radiation impacts those who work in and travel on airplanes.

Screen capture from the video “Dealing With Asteroids and Other Space Hazards”

Dealing with Asteroids and Other Space Hazards

STEM Explained

Find out how asteroids, space debris, and cosmic radiation can be dangerous, and how to monitor them and protect ourselves from these space hazards.

Measuring Changes To A Glacier

Careers: Climatologist

Picture Collections

5 images of some work related to the scientific study of climate such as using instruments to measure changes in climates

Reporting The Weather

Careers: Meteorologist

Picture Collections

4 images of some work that a meteorologist might do such as forecasting the weather and analyzing clouds

Ryan Snoddon | Météorologue et animateur (CBC-NL)

Ryan Snoddon

Career Profiles

Meteorologist and Host

Ryan Snoddon is a Meteorologist and Host for CBC in Nova Scotia.
Adam Melnick | Coordinateur de l'apprentissage et instructeur en santé et sécurité pour un centre de formation en calorifugation

Adam Melnick

Career Profiles

Apprenticeship Coordinator and Health and Safety Instructor

Adam Melnick is the Apprenticeship Coordinator and Health and Safety Instructor for the Heat and Frost Insulator Training Centre.