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Unit E: Space Exploration

Max Salman aux commandes d'un avion.

Max Salman

Career Profiles

PH.D. Student / Affiliate Researcher

I ask questions to things that don’t have answers yet.
Annie Martin at work

Annie Martin

Career Profiles

Portfolio Manager for the Health Beyond Initiative

I coordinate the different activities of our initiative, do strategic planning to define its vision and objectives and collaborate with other international space agencies.
Scale aircraft in a wind tunnel

Pre-flight Testing


Learn about some of the ways Aerospace engineers test new designs.

The three RADARSAT Constellation Mission spacecraft

7 ways Satellites Help Fight Climate Change


Discover 7 ways satellite Earth observation helps fight climate change.

Yuri Gagarin Capsule and space suit

Human Spaceflight: The First 50 Years


A history of the first 50 years of human space flight.

Mosaic of the Valles Marineris hemisphere of Mars projected into point perspective

Let's Talk Mars Resources


Discover a set of resources to get you up to speed on the discussion surrounding Mars

NASA Environmental Control and Life Support System

Life Support in Space - Closed Systems


Learn how astronauts survive in the International Space Station.

Astronaut Daniel Tani in the ISS

Home Sweet Home In Space


Learn about the history of space stations and how they help us learn about space.

The face of the planet Mars (NASA)

Destination Mars


Discover how space agencies have explored the Red Planet in the past and present and learn about the future of human spaceflight to the red planet.

Satellites orbiting Earth

Introduction to Satellites


Learn about the history, functions, and types of satellites.

Earth with pinned locations

The Math Behind GPS


Learn about the history and math behind the Global Positioning System.

Red soil on the surface of Mars

Soil on Mars


Learn how soil is different on Mars than on Earth, and what that means for growing plants on the red planet.

Astronauts from the Apollo Mission landing on the moon.

Let's Talk Lunar Resources


Discover some background information on how we'll learn to live and work on the Moon - and beyond!

Astronaut standing on Mars with Earth in the background

Earth vs. Mars


Learn about the characteristics of the Earth and Mars, two planets in our Solar System.

Student going over materials and plans

Summer Symposium Series: Engineering Career Resources


A career in engineering would let you help people through designing and implementing the things they use in their daily lives.