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14. demonstrate an awareness of the natural and built environment through hands-on investigations, observations, questions, and representations of their findings

Collection of toy animals including dinosaurs

What is a Dinosaur?


Students will use observing and sorting & classifying skills to learn that dinosaurs are extinct animals that share common characteristics.

Soonwoong Kwon | Spécialiste en météorologie tactique (SMT)

Soonwoong Kwon

Tactical Weather Specialist (TWS)

Soonwoong Kwon is a Tactical Weather Specialist (TWS) for the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), Joint Meteorological Centre (JMT).
Keven Bruce | Tactical Weather Specialist

Keven Bruce

Career Profiles

Tactical Weather Specialist

Kevin Bruce is a Tactical Weather Specialist for the Canadian Armed Forces.
Holly Wortman | Technicienne en météorologie

Holly Wortman

Meteorological Technician

Holly Wortman is a Meteorological Technician for the Canadian Armed Forces.
Alan Bezanson | Instructeur principal en météorologie

Alan Bezanson

Senior Meteorological Instructor

Alan Bezanson is a Senior Meteorological Instructor for the Canadian Forces School of Meteorology.
Weather station in Iceland

Measuring and Forecasting Weather


Learn about different weather instruments that meteorologists use to measure weather.

Water droplets on a leaf

Needs of Plants


Plants have specific needs - light, air, water, nutrients, and space - to survive and reproduce.


Why are Guppies so Diverse?

STEM Explained

Different members of a species can have different traits. You can see this in a species found at your local pet store - guppies!

What makes soil hard and compacted?

What makes soil hard and compacted?

Hands-on Activities

Explore how walking on soil changes how water soaks into the ground and why that matters to gardeners and farmers.

Cumulus Clouds

Weather: Cumulus Clouds

Picture Collections

5 images of cumulus clouds that are white, puffy clouds with a flat base at mid level and are often associated with fair weather

Fluffy snow on deciduous tree

Weather: Snow

Picture Collections

10 images of some snowflake crystals and some winter scenes with snow

Stratus Clouds

Weather: Stratus Clouds

Picture Collections

5 images of stratus clouds that cover a wide horizontal layer in the sky at low level and are often associated with rain or drizzle

Fan Rake

Tools: Garden

Picture Collections

10 images of some tools such as rakes, spades, shears and lawn mowers that were designed for use in gardening

Weather Vane

Tools: Weather Instruments

Picture Collections

15 images of various instruments such as rain gauges, wind vanes and weather satellites used to inform us about the weather

Colourful Maple Tree

Trees: In Autumn

Picture Collections

10 images showing some scenes with coniferous and deciduous trees in the fall or autumn season