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Procedural Knowledge PK2, PK3

Light meter in front of solar eclipse

Learning About Lux: Light and Solar Eclipses


Students will observe, measure, record and graph light levels during a real or simulated solar eclipse.

portrait par Chantelle Richmond

Chantelle Richmond

Career Profiles

Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair

I study human-environment relationships in the Indigenous context.
Greg Flato

Greg Flato

Career Profiles

Director of Climate Change Research Division

I oversee a broad climate research program in ECCC, and I helped create global climate models to help us understand how and why the climate has changed.
portrait de Sarah Ellis

Sarah Ellis (she/her)

Career Profiles

Senior Scientist

I research and develop new technologies which help fight climate change.
portrait de Nevicia Case

Nevicia Case (she/her)

Career Profiles

Postdoctoral Fellow

I do research on how to make stem cell therapies more accessible, while also making sure they're safe and effective in treating diseases.
Angie Spierenburg headshot

Angie Spierenburg (she/her)

Career Profiles

Customer Success Manager

I help create effective strategic partnerships between organizations and customers, by bringing best practices to the table, reducing complexity, and simplifying processes.
Bakery entrepreneurs

Young Entrepreneurs – Math and Your Dream Business


Learn how entrepreneurs use math when starting a business.

Chelsea Matisz working at a lab bench with glassware on shelves behind her and various containers in front of her

Chelsea Matisz (she/her)

Career Profiles

Postdoctoral Scholar

As a postdoctoral researcher, I have completed my PhD, and am now developing all the research, writing, and technical skills I need to become a skilled scientist.
portrait de Jigang Zhou

Jigang Zhou (he/him)

Career Profiles

Senior Industrial Scientist

I use synchrotron techniques to do scientific research that helps companies create new products.
portrait de Tristan Lecompte

Tristan Lecompte

Career Profiles

Environmental Program Officer

I interpret and communicate pollution data collected by the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI).
portrait de Sara Matthews

Sara Matthews

Career Profiles

Researcher - Environmental Microbiology

I help identify sources of bacteria that cause disease and understand how they survive there.
Charlotte Cockburn standing in front of signs indicating distance to a variety of locations from Alert, Nunavut.

Charlotte Cockburn (she/her)

Career Profiles

Physical Scientist

I make sure we can monitor the weather all across Canada.
Ayo Bolaji headshot with blue background

Ayo Bolaji

Career Profiles

Computational Biologist

I assist in the monitoring of microorganisms, bacteria and viruses that may have an effect on our health.
Portrait de Gabriel Hould Gosselin

Gabriel Hould Gosselin

Career Profiles

Research Associate

I support teams that collect data on the melting permafrost layer in the arctic.
Geologists with seismograph

How can you build your own seismograph?

Hands-on Activities

Build your own seismograph using common household materials.