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Big Idea: Complex roles and relationships contribute to diversity of ecosystems.


Animals: Babies and Adults

Picture Collections

20 images of animal pairs such as polar bears, turtle, dogs and birds in their juvenile and adult stages of life

Grizzly Bear

Animals: Hibernation

Picture Collections

10 images of some animals such as bears, bats, turtles and lemurs that spend the cold weather in a dormant state


Animals: Migration

Picture Collections

10 images of some animals such as salmon, Monarch butterflies, whales, zebras and wildebeast that move seasonally from one region to another



Picture Collections

5 images of invertebrates such as spiders and scorpions characterized by having 4 pairs of segmented legs, 2 main body parts and simple eyes

Meredith Ann Epp | Gestionnaire des communications et du marketing

Meredith Ann Epp

Career Profiles

Communications and Marketing Manager

Meredith Ann Epp is the Communications and Marketing Manager for the Marine Stewardship Council Oceania.
Stephanie Good | Responsable de la certification des pêches

Stephanie Good

Career Profiles

Senior Fisheries Certification Manager

Stephanie Good is a Senior Fisheries Certification Manager for Marine Stewardship Council.
Lucy Erickson | Gestionnaire des communications scientifiques pour le Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)

Lucy Erickson

Career Profiles

Science Communications Manager

Lucy Erickson is the Science Communications Manager for the Marine Stewardship Council/MSC.
Karine Duffy | Coordonnatrice du programme d’intendance de l’habitat

Karine Duffy

Career Profiles

Habitat Stewardship Program Coordinator

Karine Duffy is the Habitat Stewardship Program Coordinator for the Canadian Wildlife Service.