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Big Idea: Life is a result of interactions at the molecular and cellular levels.

man sick with the flu

The Surprising Reason You Feel Awful When You're Sick

STEM Explained

Viruses can make you feel awful! This article explains how feeling bad might be your immune system’s way of helping you heal.

Bottle of Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) vaccine

Measles and Measles Prevention

STEM Explained

Learn about the measles virus, its impact and vaccination for prevention of the disease.

An artist’s rendition of a bacteriophage

Phages vs. Antibiotics

STEM Explained

Many doctors prescribe antibiotics to cure infections. But should they be prescribing viruses instead?

Seed Germinating

Plants: Germination

Picture Collections

6 images of some seedlings sprouting as one of the stages towards full plant growth

Fennel Seeds

Plants: Seeds

Picture Collections

6 images of some seeds which are the fertilized part of a plant used for germinating new plants such as fennel, kiwis and pumpkins

dung beetle rolling dung

How to Find a Mate When You Smell Like Dung

STEM Explained

Some dung beetles use alternative reproductive tactics to increase their chances of finding a mate. Learn what this tells us about evolution and biodiversity.

How do I construct a terrarium?

How do I construct a terrarium?

Hands-on Activities

You can make your own terrarium for growing plants!

bees on frame held by beekeeper

How are the World's Bee Populations Doing?

STEM Explained

Bees are important for agriculture. But bee populations face threats. This resource looks at Colony Collapse Disorder, herbicides & pesticides, and more.

Water Lily

Flowers: Cup Shape

Picture Collections

8 images of some flowerheads such as roses and water lilies whose outer petals are longer than the petals in the centre of the flower


Flowers: Irregular Shape

Picture Collections

3 images of some asymmetrical flowerheads such as an iris and an Orchis Sima or Monkey Orchid


Flowers: Radial Shape

Picture Collections

7 images of some symmetrical flowerheads such as asters and sunflowers whose petals radiate from the centre of the flower


Flowers: Trumpet Shape

Picture Collections

5 images of some flowerheads such as petunias and lilies that start as a narrow base and widen to an open shape

Green walls in Harvard University

Green Walls

STEM Explained

Green walls use plant processes to improve air quality in buildings.

Image © TLFurrer,

Are Microbes Your Friend or Foe?

STEM Explained

Microbes are everywhere, even in your digestive tract. Some of these microbes are helpful, and some aren’t.