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Big Idea: Life processes are performed at the cellular level.

Yetong Dong headshot wearing lab coat

Yetong Dong

Career Profiles

Research Assistant/Graduate Student

I am studying to become a scientific researcher.
Allison Guitor

Allison Guitor

Career Profiles

Researcher - Antibiotic Resistance

I study antibiotic resistance, which is what makes bacteria able to live in the presence of antibiotics.
Manpreet Kaur dans son laboratoire

Manpreet Kaur (She/Her)

Career Profiles

Postdoctoral Fellow

I work on research projects to discover drugs to treat infectious diseases.
Portrait de Isha Berry

Isha Berry

Career Profiles


I look for patterns in disease outbreaks and health outcomes in populations across the world.
Portrait de Jasmin Chahal

Jasmin Chahal

Career Profiles

Assistant Professor

I teach in the Department of Microbiology & Immunology at McGill University.
Vegetables and fruits on display

Plant Pigments


Why are there so many colours of plants? Learn about plant pigments and their role in plants.

Pepper plants on the ISS

Tropisms in Plants


Learn about the different ways that plants move in response to their environments.

Plant Cells with Visible Chloroplasts

Specialized Cells of the Leaf System


Learn about the structure and function of the cells in leaves.

Seedling with sunlight

Light & Plants


Learn about the process of photosynthesis and how it is affected by light levels.

Chris Derksen en train de faire ses recherches sur le terrain en Arctique.

Chris Derksen (he/his)

Career Profiles

Climate Scientist

I use satellite data and climate models to understand how climate change is impacting snow and ice across Canada.
Shari Forbes à l'extérieur du centre de décomposition humaine

Shari Forbes (she/her/elle)

Career Profiles

Forensic Scientist

I conduct research to understand how the human body decomposes in our unique Canadian environment.
Medical Equipment and Instruments

Medicine and Science: Resources


Discover a set of resources designed to get you thinking about the intersection of medicine and science.

Rod Russell

Dr. Rod Russell

Professor of Virology and Immunology

I run a research lab where we study viruses and how they cause disease.
Dr. Arinjay Banerjee dans son labo

Arinjay Banerjee (he/him)

Research Scientist and Principal Investigator

I am a scientist and I study how viruses evolve and interact with our immune system.
Patty Simpson

Patty Simpson (she/her)

Career Profiles

Environmental Coordinator

As the head of the Environment Department at a uranium mine, it is my responsibility to make sure that the mine does not pollute the surrounding environment.