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Organization of Life

Water Lily

Flowers: Cup Shape

Picture Collections

8 images of some flowerheads such as roses and water lilies whose outer petals are longer than the petals in the centre of the flower


Flowers: Irregular Shape

Picture Collections

3 images of some asymmetrical flowerheads such as an iris and an Orchis Sima or Monkey Orchid

Woman having a panic attack

Chemical Equilibrium and Panic Attacks

STEM Explained

Panic attacks are scary and they upset your body’s chemical equilibrium. Learn what happens to acids & bases in your circulatory system during a panic attack.

a boy looks at a hamburger

Do You Know What's On Your Plate?

STEM Explained

In 2013, many Europeans learned their beef lasagnas were actually made of horse meat. Learn about food fraud, and how a Canadian invention can help detect it.

Massive algal bloom

Eutrophication: Why you should care about pond scum

STEM Explained

When fertilizers from agriculture get into lakes and rivers, big problems can result for aquatic ecosystems, food chains & webs!

Ella Harvey | gestionnaire de données chez OLD (Barcode of Life Data System).

Ella Harvey

Career Profiles

Data Manager

Ella Harvey is a data manager at BOLD (Barcode of Life Data System).