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Connections to Community (CC)

portrait par Gordon Martell

Gordon Martell (he/him)

Career Profiles

Assistant Professor

I teach post-secondary students to be leaders in schools and other organizations.
Joana Augusto headshot

Joana Augusto (she/her)

Career Profiles

Coordinator, Volunteer Professional Development & Training

I design professional development and training opportunities for volunteers at Let’s Talk Science.
Nathan Kostiuk headshot

Nathan Kostiuk

Western Regional Coordinator

Nathan coordinates the work of the Let’s Talk Science volunteer sites from Manitoba to British Columbia.
Deux travailleurs et une travailleuse du secteur du pétrole et du gaz

Jacqueline Harris

Social Risk & Investment Advisor

Jacqueline manages partnerships with not for profit organizations for Chevron Canada.
Ella Chan

Ella Chan

Digital Media Outreach Specialist

Ella uses her creativity to explain science using videos.
Bruce Taylor

Bruce Taylor

Career Profiles


I operate an engineering company that specializes in social ventures and sustainable development.
Hand holding a baseball

Responding to Life’s Curveballs


Students will explore what it means to be adaptable and flexible, and learn how to solve problems in a proactive way with respect to career planning.

Woman working on computer in front of a map

Mapping My Volunteer and Work Experience


Students learn how to find a volunteer and work experience and then develop a detailed plan to apply for one of these experiences.