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Government and Public Administration

Andrea Bellingham

Andrea Bellingham (she/her)

Career Profiles

Emergency Management Programs Officer (Nuclear Engineer)

I work to prevent potential nuclear emergencies.
portrait de Rob Arsenault

Rob Arsenault

Career Profiles

Environmental Enforcement Officer

I enforce laws that protect the environment, humans, fish and wildlife.
portrait de Tristan Lecompte

Tristan Lecompte

Career Profiles

Environmental Program Officer

I interpret and communicate pollution data collected by the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI).
portrait de Mike Fabro

Mike Fabro

Career Profiles

Manager, Climate Change Planning

I work with my team to plan and implement London, Ontario's response to the climate crisis.
portrait de Areej Riaz

Areej Riaz

Career Profiles

Operations Manager

I work with individuals and organizations on programs that help address climate change.
Dolcy Meness

Dolcy Meness

Career Profiles

Nagadjitodjig Aki (Guardian)

I work as a Guardian for the environment and cultural teachings of my community, Kitigan Zibi.
portrait de Celina Wolki

Celina Wolki

Career Profiles

Researcher, Community Leader, and Regional Coordinator

I research food prices in northern communities and am involved in local projects to make sure every member of my community has access to food.
portrait de Brittany Tyler

Brittany Tyler (she/her)

Career Profiles

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Officer

I negotiate and implement Canada's nuclear non-proliferation import and export policy.
Marty Larabie

Marty Larabie (he/him)

Career Profiles

Radiation Inspector

I perform radiation safety inspections of persons who use nuclear material.
Daria Iskakova headshot

Daria Iskakova (she/her)

Career Profiles

Senior Laboratory Technologist

I work in a genomics lab to identify plants and animals using DNA samples.
Charlotte Cockburn standing in front of signs indicating distance to a variety of locations from Alert, Nunavut.

Charlotte Cockburn (she/her)

Career Profiles

Physical Scientist

I make sure we can monitor the weather all across Canada.
portrait de Adrian Prado

Adrian Prado (he/him)

Career Profiles

Sustainable Development Support Analyst

I help communities with their climate change adaptation plans and sustainable development issues.
Le Dr Harpreet Kochhar devant un ordinateur dans son bureau.

Dr. Harpreet Kochhar

Career Profiles

President, Public Health Agency of Canada

I am the head of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC).
Adrienne Ethier

Adrienne Ethier

Career Profiles

Environmental Risk Assessment Specialist

I am responsible for evaluating potential exposure risks to people and the environment near nuclear facilities and mines.
Jessica Rideout

Jessica Rideout

Quarry Materials Compliance Officer

I inspect quarries to ensure that they are operated in compliance with provincial regulations.