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Learn About My Career

I work with individuals and organizations on programs that help address climate change.

I was born/grew up in: I was born in Multan, Pakistan. I’ve lived in Saudi Arab, United Kingdom, and Pakistan before coming to Canada.

I now live in: London, Ontario.

I completed my training/education at: Master of Science (Environmental Sciences) and Master of Philosophy (Environmental Sciences) both from Kinnaird College, and a Master of Science (Applied Carbon Management) from the University of Glasgow.

My full-time work is at Green Economy Canada. We are a national non-profit that works to help individuals and organizations move to a net-zero carbon future. I have two roles here. My first is related to helping make sure the organization runs smoothly. I’m involved in human resources, finance, and addressing other operational needs for instance, onboarding new staff members and   developing procedures and policies related to organization’s operations.

My other role is on the EV Charger Incentive Program. This program is funded by Natural Resources Canada. The goal is to increase the number of EV (electric vehicle) charging stations across the country. More charging stations will encourage more people to buy EVs. This will help lower Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions by electrifying our transportation sector.

When I moved to Canada in 2019, it was my first exposure to sustainability issues in North America. I was finishing up some work with my previous employer remotely from home, so this gave me time to explore the sector by volunteering with sustainability organizations. Through this work I developed some long-lasting relationships. I still do volunteer work with these organizations today. I help them develop climate programs, find funding, and develop partnerships. In some cases, I also help them implement their projects.

One of the groups that I work with is  EnviroMuslims. They engage with, educate and empower the Canadian Muslim community to make sustainability part of their everyday lives. We develop resources specifically for this community. We use faith-based communications to ground the environmental messages. We work with youth, community leaders, businesses, etc. to help them understand and implement sustainable practices. I am also working with multifaith organizations to bring various faith groups together to explore these issues. We want to build alliances so we can work together and learn from one another.

I’m creative and did my undergraduate in art, fashion, and interior design. My plan was to become an interior designer, but I accompanied my friends to an open day at a university, and we got to sit in on a few courses. I attended the English linguistics class, and it was interesting.

The second class I attended was Introduction to Environmental Science. The lecturer was talking about issues affecting the planet, issues that affect us, and what can be done. At first, I found it to be a bit overwhelming, it all seemed to be happening around me and I had no awareness. But my early concerns sparked an ambition to try to help solve these problems. I guess I never really left that class. I went on to explore this area and obtained advanced degrees in environmental studies. I’ve been working in this area since then.

I want to make a difference. It’s great to see the impact of our projects and see things improving for communities or organizations. Seeing more people engage in conversations and actions related to Climate Change is what motivates me and keeps me going.

A lot of work we do helps people either directly or indirectly. We help organizations cut their costs by implementing sustainability programs. This also helps them build their profile and reputation, and improves their competitive advantage.

The work we do helps the public improve their understanding of climate change. They learn how it relates to them and is important to their lives. This will help them have a positive impact on their community and country. Hopefully they will want to learn more and engage in climate action.

My work with community groups helps newcomers feel connected to their new country. The work I do helps them feel at home, feel connected, and feel they are making useful contributions to their new home in a new country.

I volunteer with different organizations to help them, and their members, learn about sustainability. I also help them develop programs to integrate sustainability in their communities.

I love interior décor and design. I like to upcycle things like old furniture or waste materials to make great home décor items. I find sanding and painting to be great stress relief! I also like to bake (sweets mostly). And I enjoy good books, TV shows and documentaries.

Understand what brings you joy. Not just the sector but the types of work that you enjoy. Knowing what brings you joy will help you organize your time so you know that the time you put in will help people as well as bring you joy.  It will help you progress in your career and also helps you stick with it during the tough times.

What I do at work

My full-time work is at Green Economy Canada. We are a national non-profit that works to help individuals and organizations move to a net-zero carbon future. I have two roles here. My first is related to helping make sure the organization runs smoothly. I’m involved in human resources, finance, and addressing other operational needs for instance, onboarding new staff members and   developing procedures and policies related to organization’s operations.

My other role is on the EV Charger Incentive Program. This program is funded by Natural Resources Canada. The goal is to increase the number of EV (electric vehicle) charging stations across the country. More charging stations will encourage more people to buy EVs. This will help lower Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions by electrifying our transportation sector.

When I moved to Canada in 2019, it was my first exposure to sustainability issues in North America. I was finishing up some work with my previous employer remotely from home, so this gave me time to explore the sector by volunteering with sustainability organizations. Through this work I developed some long-lasting relationships. I still do volunteer work with these organizations today. I help them develop climate programs, find funding, and develop partnerships. In some cases, I also help them implement their projects.

One of the groups that I work with is  EnviroMuslims. They engage with, educate and empower the Canadian Muslim community to make sustainability part of their everyday lives. We develop resources specifically for this community. We use faith-based communications to ground the environmental messages. We work with youth, community leaders, businesses, etc. to help them understand and implement sustainable practices. I am also working with multifaith organizations to bring various faith groups together to explore these issues. We want to build alliances so we can work together and learn from one another.

My career path is

I’m creative and did my undergraduate in art, fashion, and interior design. My plan was to become an interior designer, but I accompanied my friends to an open day at a university, and we got to sit in on a few courses. I attended the English linguistics class, and it was interesting.

The second class I attended was Introduction to Environmental Science. The lecturer was talking about issues affecting the planet, issues that affect us, and what can be done. At first, I found it to be a bit overwhelming, it all seemed to be happening around me and I had no awareness. But my early concerns sparked an ambition to try to help solve these problems. I guess I never really left that class. I went on to explore this area and obtained advanced degrees in environmental studies. I’ve been working in this area since then.

I am motivated by

I want to make a difference. It’s great to see the impact of our projects and see things improving for communities or organizations. Seeing more people engage in conversations and actions related to Climate Change is what motivates me and keeps me going.

How I affect peoples’ lives

A lot of work we do helps people either directly or indirectly. We help organizations cut their costs by implementing sustainability programs. This also helps them build their profile and reputation, and improves their competitive advantage.

The work we do helps the public improve their understanding of climate change. They learn how it relates to them and is important to their lives. This will help them have a positive impact on their community and country. Hopefully they will want to learn more and engage in climate action.

My work with community groups helps newcomers feel connected to their new country. The work I do helps them feel at home, feel connected, and feel they are making useful contributions to their new home in a new country.

Outside of work I

I volunteer with different organizations to help them, and their members, learn about sustainability. I also help them develop programs to integrate sustainability in their communities.

I love interior décor and design. I like to upcycle things like old furniture or waste materials to make great home décor items. I find sanding and painting to be great stress relief! I also like to bake (sweets mostly). And I enjoy good books, TV shows and documentaries.

My advice to others

Understand what brings you joy. Not just the sector but the types of work that you enjoy. Knowing what brings you joy will help you organize your time so you know that the time you put in will help people as well as bring you joy.  It will help you progress in your career and also helps you stick with it during the tough times.

When I was a student I enjoyed:

  • Art
  • Drama
  • Geography
  • Home Economics
  • Literature and Language Arts
  • Science

When I was a student, I would describe myself as someone who:

  • Brought people together
  • Liked helping people
  • Organized activities for my friends
  • Played on a sports team
  • Enjoyed working with my hands
  • Liked being given free range to explore my ideas
  • Liked reading
  • Felt great satisfaction in getting good grades
  • Wasn't sure what I wanted to do
  • Learned best "by doing"
  • Liked to design or build things
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