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Unit D: Electrical Principles and Technologies

Thundersnow near a cabin on a hillside

Thundersnow: winter thunderstorms

STEM Explained

When thunder and lightning occur but the main form of precipitation is snow, not rain, it’s called thundersnow.

Screen captures from embedded Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell videos

What are the Pros and Cons of Nuclear Energy?

STEM Explained

These two “point-counterpoint” videos provide arguments for and against using nuclear energy to generate electricity.

Charging a cell phone

What If You Could Charge Your Phone Using Radio Waves?

STEM Explained

Could we use radio waves to charge electrical technologies in the future?

Thermal images of people and objects

Thermopower and the Body Heat-Powered Flashlight

STEM Explained

Can your body be a source of electricity generation? Maybe, if you understand heat transfer. Explore this concept through a 2013 invention by a Canadian teen.

City at night with transmission lines

Understanding Electricity Supply and Demand


Electricity demand changes constantly. Suppliers need to generate more electrical energy when demand is high, and less when demand is low.

Telegraph key used in Metcalfe, Ontario telegraph office (Ingenium)

Telegraph Key


The telegraph works by transmitting signals through an electrical circuit. Learn more and print your own telegraph key using this 3d model of a real artefact.

Bacteria can be used to generate electricity

Microbial Fuel Cells

STEM Explained

In a few decades, some of the electricity you use might be generated by bacteria.

Drop tower ride

How is Lenz's Law Used in Drop Tower Rides?

STEM Explained

How do magnetic fields help you get down safely from the top of a drop tower ride? Learn how electromagnetic induction works at the amusement park.

Carillon Hydroelectric Power Station, Saint-André-d'Argenteuil, Quebec

Generating Electricity: Hydroelectric Power

STEM Explained

Learn how moving water can be used to generate electricity. This is called hydroelectric power generation.

How can I move water with just a comb?

How can I move water with just a comb?

Hands-on Activities

Have you ever experienced static electricity? Like when you pull a wool sweater over your head in the winter? See what else static electricity can do in this hands-on activity.

Wind turbines with energy storage system

Can You Store Electricity for Later?

STEM Explained

Sometimes, power plants make too much electricity. Energy storage technologies can help! They store the extra electricity and release it when demand goes up.

Man being struck by lightning

Do Amps or Volts Kill You?

STEM Explained

This resource explains electricity basics - volts, amps, currents, resistance, and why it is dangerous to touch electrical outlets with wet hands.

Energy-saving light bulbs are a great way to save money at home

Energy Efficiency at Home

STEM Explained

If you understand heat transfer, you can make lots of little changes at home to help the environment and your household’s bank account!

Birds flying near a wind farm

Are wind farms a threat to wildlife?

STEM Explained

Wind power is a growing source of electricity generation. But wind projects often affect local wildlife populations, and researchers are using environmental monitoring techniques to alleviate some of these impacts.

3.7 V lithium-ion battery

How does a lithium-Ion battery work?

STEM Explained

Learn about the electrochemistry in the batteries that power many of the devices you use every day.