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Earth and Space Systems: Rocks, Minerals, and Erosion

Nancy Rogers debout sur un affleurement rocheux où elle prospecte des minéraux. Encadré : Roche de labradorite coupée pour exposer les motifs de couleur.

Nancy Rogers

Career Profiles

Genuine Prospector and Craftsperson

I travel to remote areas looking for signs of minerals and crystals.
portrait de Sarah Lockwood

Sarah Lockwood (she/her)

Career Profiles

Mine Geologist

I study the geology of an area to figure out where diamonds are located.
Balanced stones on a pebble beach

What are rocks?


Learn about the types of rocks, the rock cycle, and weathering and erosion.

Portrait de Graham Ballachey

Graham Ballachey

Career Profiles

Vice President, Engineering

I manage and oversee all the engineering work for a lithium mine development company.
Lesley Hymers à côté d'une pépite de cuivre géante à l'extérieur du musée McBride, à Whitehorse, au Yukon.

Lesley Hymers

Manager, Education and Outreach Programs

I work for an organization that provides Earth science and mineral resources education.
Lisa Phiri dans une mine souterraine

Lisa T. Phiri

Mining Geologist

I examine rocks in an underground mine to determine the amount and location of gold.
Waves and rocks

The World of Ocean Currents


Learn about oceans and ocean currents and how they are being impacted by climate change.

White water rafting on the Fraser River in British Columbia

Introduction to Rivers & Streams


Learn about the physical geography, chemistry and ecology of rivers and streams.

Assortment of minerals

All About Minerals


Learn about the characteristics and uses of minerals.

What are the best materials to use for cleaning water?

What are the best materials to use for cleaning water?

Hands-on Activities

Water is a precious natural resource. What happens if it gets polluted? Learn how water can be cleaned with this hands-on activity?

Kelsey Privett - Géologue de projet d'exploration, Mine Lac des Iles

Kelsey Privett (Video)

Exploration Project Geologist

Kelsey Privett is an Exploration Project Geologist for Lac des Iles Mine - North American Palladium.
Bryan Wilson - General Manager, North American Palladium

Bryan Wilson (Video)

Career Profiles

General Manager

Bryan Wilson is the General Manager at North American Palladium.
Cameron McLean - Gestionnaire de l’exploration

Cameron McLean (Video)

Exploration Manager

Cameron McLean is an Exploration Manager for North American Palladium.
Cameron McLean | Gestionnaire de l’exploration

Cameron McLean

Career Profiles

Exploration Manager

Cameron McLean is an exploration manager at North American Palladium.
Kelsey Privett | Géologue de projet d’exploration, Lac des Iles Mine

Kelsey Privett

Career Profiles

Exploration Project Geologist

Kelsey Privett is an Exploration Project Geologist for Lac des Iles Mine.