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Portrait de Megan Katz

Megan Katz

Prosthetic Technician

Megan is a prosthetic technician who makes and repairs artificial limbs.
Katie Harris essayant une combinaison spatiale de simulation au Centre européen des astronautes.

Katie Harris (she/her)

Career Profiles

Medical Student/Prospective Aerospace Medicine Specialist

I am working towards a career as an aerospace medicine specialist - a doctor who works with astronauts and keeps them healthy for long missions!
Andrew Brereton travaillant à l'ordinateur

Andrew E. Brereton

Computational Scientist

I write code that teaches computers how to design new drugs.
Annie Martin at work

Annie Martin

Career Profiles

Portfolio Manager for the Health Beyond Initiative

I coordinate the different activities of our initiative, do strategic planning to define its vision and objectives and collaborate with other international space agencies.
Rod Russell

Dr. Rod Russell

Professor of Virology and Immunology

I run a research lab where we study viruses and how they cause disease.
Shelina Babul

Dr. Shelina Babul (she/her)

Associate Director, BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit

My work covers all causes of injury, from falls, motor vehicle crashes and poisonings to sport-related injuries.
Dr. Arinjay Banerjee dans son labo

Arinjay Banerjee (he/him)

Research Scientist and Principal Investigator

I am a scientist and I study how viruses evolve and interact with our immune system.
Montage visuel représentant les essais clinique (metamorworks, via istock)

Julia Paiva

Career Profiles

Clinical Trials Feasibility Associate

Julia helps select countries and sites for clinical trials.
Louisa Pericleous

Louisa Pericleous

Global Director, Access Strategy Lead

Louisa's job is to ensure patients across the world have the best possible access to medications.
Jane McBride

Jane McBride

Clinical Trials, Country Lead

Jane monitors drug testing and clinical trials in Canada.
Aaron Waldt

Aaron Waldt

Business Development Lead

Élyse Caron-Beaudoin

Élyse Caron-Beaudoin

Career Profiles

Teaching Assistant in Environmental Health

Cory Nykiforuk

Cory Nykiforuk

Director, Pipeline Research

Ella Chan

Ella Chan

Digital Media Outreach Specialist

Ella uses her creativity to explain science using videos.
Kevin Chen

Kevin Chen

CEO, Co-Founder