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Strand A: STEM Skills, Careers, and Connections

Portrait de Christy Hipel

Christy Hipel

Career Profiles

Account Solutions (Sales)

I contact potential clients to help them understand how we can help them address their environmental problems.
Portrait de Delia Warren

Delia Warren (she/her)

Career Profiles

Lead Renewables Consultant

I help companies get involved in the offshore wind energy sector.
Engineers and architect looking at blueprints

Careers in Building and Design


Students explore careers that involve designing and building structures and devices.

Portrait de Evaline Warmels

Evaline Warmels

Career Profiles

Mechatronic Engineer

I design, build, and test devices that use electricity to do something that a human couldn't do on their own.
Stephanie Arnold pilotant un drone dans un champ de pommes de terre.

Stephanie Arnold (she/they)

Career Profiles

Climate Services Specialist (PEI)

I help others understand how climate change affects themselves, their communities and their work.
Space Shuttle Columbia launching

Careers In The Space Sector


Evaline Warmels with lunar rover in background.

Evaline Warmels (Video)

Career Profiles

Mechatronical Engineer

As an electrical engineer at Canadensys, I help build robots (lunar landers) that will explore the surface of the moon.
Adrienne Ethier

Adrienne Ethier

Career Profiles

Environmental Risk Assessment Specialist

I am responsible for evaluating potential exposure risks to people and the environment near nuclear facilities and mines.
portrait de Anastasiia Prysyazhnyuk

Anastasiia Prysyazhnyuk

Career Profiles

Science and Innovation Lead, Health Beyond Initiative

I explore ways in which science and technology can provide solutions to healthcare problems in space and on Earth.
Hayleigh Conway posant sur une carte des TNO et désignant Inuvik sur la carte. Pris lors de la Journée du SIG 2017.

Hayleigh Conway (she/her)

Career Profiles

Geomatics Technician

I make maps that help answer questions about the health of the environment in the Western Arctic.
Dr. Jackie Dawson faisant des recherches sur le terrain sur l'île Beechy, Nunavut.

Jackie Dawson (she/her/they)

Career Profiles

Professor and Canada Research Chair in Environment, Society, and Policy

I work with large teams of academics, Inuit knowledge holders, and decision makers to understand the risks and solutions to environmental change.
Cameron Dickenson

Cameron Dickinson

Career Profiles

Senior Engineer, Space Exploration

I work on sensors and camera technology for use on planetary exploration missions.
Tamara Krawchenko à l'extérieur

Tamara Krawchenko (she/her)

Career Profiles

University Professor and Public Policy Researcher

I research how we can change our economy so it has a lower carbon footprint.
Katie Harris essayant une combinaison spatiale de simulation au Centre européen des astronautes.

Katie Harris (she/her)

Career Profiles

Medical Student/Prospective Aerospace Medicine Specialist

I am working towards a career as an aerospace medicine specialist - a doctor who works with astronauts and keeps them healthy for long missions!
Justin Kole tenant un caniche dans ses bras.

Justin M. R. Kole

Career Profiles

Operations Advisor

I track and organize upcoming customer deliveries and provide customer education on the technology in Tesla automobiles.