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Strand B: Sustainable Ecosystems and Climate Change

Leah Clark debout dans un champ d'agriculture

Leah Clark

Provincial Cattle Specialist

Leah Clark is the Provincial Cattle Specialist for the Government of Saskatchewan.
Photo de Mike Dixon

Mike Dixon

Career Profiles

Professor and Director of CESRF

Mike Dixon is the Professor and Director of CESRF at the University of Guelph.
Sheridan Thompson sur une falaise rocheuse

Sheridan Thompson (she/her/they/them)

Career Profiles

Doctoral Candidate

Sheridan Thompson is a Doctoral Candidate at Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Variety of plant groups in Banff National Park, Alberta

Plant Taxonomy


Learn about the categories, or phylum, of the plant kingdom with examples from each.

Leaf and the Sun

Plant Functions


Learn about the important plant functions of photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration

Students collaborating

Introduction to the Fish Market Survey


In this introductory activity, students will read two articles about the issue of fish mislabelling and complete two graphic organizers to identify the issue, its implications and possible solutions. They will complete the organizers individually and in pairs, and then discuss the results with the whole class.

Katelyn Tovey | Directrice adjointe, Éducation et conservation

Katelyn Tovey

Assistant Manager of Education and Conservation

Katelyn Tovey is the Assistant Manager of Education and Conservation for Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada.
Danika Strecko | Gestionnaire de l’éducation océanique

Danika Strecko (Video)

Manager of Ocean Literacy

Danika Strecko is the Manager of Ocean Literacy for Ocean Wise.
Danika Strecko | Gestionnaire de l’éducation océanique

Danika Strecko

Manager of Ocean Literacy

Danika Strecko is the Manager of Ocean Literacy for Ocean Wise.
Christopher Noble | Responsable des relations et implication des entreprises

Christopher Noble

Corporate Engagement

Christopher Noble works on Corporate Engagement for Environmental Solutions, MIT.
Chelsey Peutert | Ingénieure en environnement agricole

Chelsey Peutert

Agricultural Environmental Engineer

Chelsey Peutery is an Agricultural Environmental Engineer for the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture.
Carly Silver | Écologiste associée

Carly Silver

Career Profiles

Associate Ecologist

Carly Silver is an Associate Ecologist for Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Pamela Livingston | Biologiste de terrain

Pamela Livingston

Field Biologist

Pamela Livingston is a Field Biologist at DuPont Canada.
Water droplets on succulent leaves

How Do Plants Survive in the Desert?

STEM Explained

Plants need to exchange gases and water with their environment as part of photosynthesis. Some plant cells have evolved specifically for this purpose.

Cartoon leaf holding an umbrella over baby plant

What is Acid Rain?

STEM Explained

Acid rain is any precipitation that has an unusually low pH. It can be rain, snow, fog, etc. But what is a low pH and why is this a problem?