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Experimentation Process

Zoe Ehlert closely examining a plan that has yellow flowers

Zoë Ehlert (Video)

Career Profiles

Manager, Marker Assisted Breeding

I lead a team that develops canola crops by breeding plants with traits we are looking for.
Zoë Ehlert, vêtue d'une blouse de laboratoire blanche, pose une boîte en carton sur une étagère.

Zoë Ehlert

Career Profiles

Manager, Marker Assisted Breeding

I lead a team that develops canola crops by breeding plants with traits we are looking for.
portrait de Maria Abou Chakra

Maria Abou Chakra (she/her)

Career Profiles

Research Associate (Computational Biology)

I create computer models to predict or explain how different biological systems work.
Chelsea Matisz working at a lab bench with glassware on shelves behind her and various containers in front of her

Chelsea Matisz (she/her)

Career Profiles

Postdoctoral Scholar

As a postdoctoral researcher, I have completed my PhD, and am now developing all the research, writing, and technical skills I need to become a skilled scientist.
Aircraft wing, pictured from the aircraft in flight

Testing Aircraft Wings


Students will explore how wing design affects lift using a testing device similar to a wind tunnel.

Which materials bounce?

Which materials bounce?

Hands-on Activities

Balls go up and down. But what makes for a good ball? Find out by exploring which materials bounce.

Graphic of a tuning fork with sound waves coming out of both sides.

Exploring Sound


Students will learn about and explore the properties of sound through activity centres.

Paddleboat on the Fraser River, BC

How can we make a paddle boat?

Hands-on Activities

Make and test a model paddle boat and learn about potential and kinetic energy.

Swivel hook fastener

Exploring Objects, Materials and Fasteners


Students identify and sort objects, including fasteners, according to material and purpose.