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Living Systems: Understandings of the living world, Earth, and space are deepened by investigating natural systems and their interactions.

Cornfield in Ontario

Let's Talk Food Resources


Discover a set of resources curated to get you ready to discuss sustainable agriculture and food security.

Bee pollinating blueberry flowers

Bee Helpers


Students will learn about the importance of bees and the human impacts on bee populations.

Soil and plant in hands

Experiment with plants!

STEM Explained

List of hand-on activities connected to plants

Kendall Wyman au travail à la clinique vétérinaire

Kendall Wyman

Emergency Receptionist & Veterinary Student

Kendall Wyman is an Emergency Receptionist & Veterinary Student at Atlantic Veterinary College.
Water droplets on a leaf

Needs of Plants


Plants have specific needs - light, air, water, nutrients, and space - to survive and reproduce.

Seed-producing plants

Seed Dispersal


Students develop and apply the skills of observing, comparing, contrasting, sorting and classifying, to investigate how seeds move from place to place.

Bee exiting a bee house

Design & Build a Bee House


Students will learn about the human impacts on bee populations as they design, test, build and observe a structure for solitary bees.

Hand holding oak tree seeds

Design & Build a Seed Saver


Students will work collaboratively to design and build a structure that will protect a seed from the elements.

Dandelion seeds floating in the wind

Design & Build a Travelling Seed


Students will work collaboratively to design and build models of seeds that can travel as far as possible.

Water falling on plants

Design & Build an Irrigation System


Students will work collaboratively to design and build a simple irrigation system that transports water to at least two plants from one source without leaking.

Jenny Fortier | Gestionnaire de serre

Jenny Fortier

Career Profiles

Initiatives Officer and Greenhouse Operator

Jenny Fortier is the initiatives officer for FedNor (Federal Economic Development Initiative in Northern Ontario).