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Unit 1: Cell Reproduction and the Continuity of Life

Water Lily

Flowers: Cup Shape

Picture Collections

8 images of some flowerheads such as roses and water lilies whose outer petals are longer than the petals in the centre of the flower


Flowers: Irregular Shape

Picture Collections

3 images of some asymmetrical flowerheads such as an iris and an Orchis Sima or Monkey Orchid


Flowers: Radial Shape

Picture Collections

7 images of some symmetrical flowerheads such as asters and sunflowers whose petals radiate from the centre of the flower


Flowers: Trumpet Shape

Picture Collections

5 images of some flowerheads such as petunias and lilies that start as a narrow base and widen to an open shape

T cells and cancer cells - Image © Meletios Verras,

Can Your Own Cells Cure Cancer?

STEM Explained

When a person has cancer, CAR-T Therapy uses their own cells to destroy the cancer cells in their body.

heavy metal band

A Taste of Heavy Metal

STEM Explained

Heavy metal is a term for some toxic chemical elements. They can cause problems like bioaccumulation, but are useful in nuclear medicine and medical imaging.

Michelle Irvine | Coordonnatrice du marketing

Michelle Irvine

Career Profiles

Marketing Coordinator

Michelle Irvine is the Marketing Coordinator for Amgen.
Ryan Conder | Scientifique principal, STEMCELL Technologies

Ryan Conder

Career Profiles

Senior Scientist

Ryan Conder is a Senior Scientist at STEMCELL Technologies.
Andy Kokaji | Directeur associé de Immunologie, STEMCELL Technologies

Andy Kokaji

Career Profiles

Associate Director of Immunology

Andy Kokaji is an associate director of immunology at STEMCELL Technologies.
Michael Hiatt | Scientifique, STEMCELL Technologies

Michael Hiatt

Career Profiles


Michael Hiatt is a Scientist at STEMCELL Technologies.