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All That Fat

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Biology Volunteer Activities
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Biology Volunteer Activities
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Time Needed for Activity

In this activity, we will learn about how natural adaptations, like fat, can help animals survive in polar regions.

Humans can't live in polar regions without the technology to keep us warm. However, animals such as polar bears and seals who live in polar regions have natural adaptations. One of these adaptations is the thick layer of body fat they have. These animals need the fat to keep warm.

What You Need

  • Two zip lock bags [large enough to fit your hand in]
  • Shortening or butter
  • Water and ice or use really cold water
  • A large bowl for the water and ice
  • Spoon
  • Tape


Safety Notes

Ensure you are familiar with Let's Talk Science's precautions with respect to safe outreach to youth.

What To Do

This activity can be done either at the front of the, or in groups of 4-5 students.

  1. If working in groups, split students into groups of 4-5 and give each group materials ziplock bags, shortening, bowl with icy water.
  2. Tell students that we will replicate this polar region adaptation.
  3. Tell students that in this lab we are not using actual animal fat, but shortening instead.
  4. Fill bag with shortening.
  5. Fill large bowl with water and ice.
  6. Put hand inside a second zip lock bag and push into the shortening filled zip lock bag.
  7. Spread shortening around the bag until the inner bag is covered.
  8. Fold the top of the inner zip lock bag over the top of the outer zip lock back so that the shortening is between the two. Tape the two together so that shortening doesn't escape, similar to how the animal's fat doesn't escape.
  9. Ask a student to come up and put a hand in the blubber glove and submerge it in water.
  10. Ask the same students to put his bare hand into the water and compare. What happens?

In this activity, the layer of shortening acts like a layer of body fat that helps keep animals that live in extremely cold temperatures warm. Animals have certain natural adaptations to help them survive that us humans do not have.

What's Happening?

In this activity, the layer of shortening acts like a layer of body fat that helps keep animals that live in extremely cold temperatures warm. Animals have certain natural adaptations to help them survive that us humans do not have.


All that Fat - Guide