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Butterfly Life Cycle - Preschool/Kindergarten

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Biology Volunteer Activities
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Biology Volunteer Activities
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Time Needed for Activity

This activity introduces pre-school / kindergarten aged students to the different steps in the life cycle of a butterfly from egg, to caterpillar, to chrystalis / cocoon, to butterfly. The students also get to create and take home a butterfly or caterpillar craft.

What You Need

For the whole class:

Per student:

  • Egg carton, pre-cut into butterfly and/or caterpillar shapes if possible
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Eyes, pre-glued to caterpillars if possible
  • Paint
  • Paint brushes
  • Smocks or other clothing protectors

Safety Notes

Ensure you are familiar with Let's Talk Science's precautions with respect to safe outreach to youth.

What To Do

  • Start the activity by providing the students with information about butterflies and the butterfly life cycle. 
  • Next, have students spread out on the floor or play mats and have them learn the butterfly life cycle using physical gestures.
  • Start by having the students roll into balls to represent the egg.
  • Then, have the students 'emerge' from the egg and become caterpillars that walk around the carpet. You can have the students pretend to grow and swell in size.
  • Next, have the students stand and spin, to imitate the caterpillar forming a cocoon.
  • Finally, have the students emerge as butterflies and fly around the room.
    • Note: You will require extra space for this last stage.
  • To represent the cycle, have the students start the process over again at least 2 more times.
  • To finish the activity, have the students prepare their workspace for the craft.
    • Students should wear smocks or something to protect their clothing from the paint.
  • Pass out egg cartons in the shape of butterflies or caterpillars, depending on student preference.
  • Have the students write their names on the inside of the carton before painting.
  • Students can paint the outside of the egg cartons.
  • Once finished the butterflies, use the pipe cleaners to represent the butterfly 'body'.
  • Optional: glue eyes before or after painting onto the caterpillars.

The activity discusses the students about the biology of metamorphosis, and how a butterfly will go through four distinct stages before it develops into a butterfly.


What's Happening?

The activity discusses the students about the biology of metamorphosis, and how a butterfly will go through four distinct stages before it develops into a butterfly.