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Rudolf Uher


Nova Scotia Health

Created On: December 1, 2023
Education Pathway: University
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Learn About My Career

I teach, I do research, and I treat patients.

I was born/grew up in: Prague, Czechoslovakia

I now live in: Halifax, Nova Scotia

I completed my training/education at: I completed an MD and PhD in London, United Kingdom.

I treat people for depression, anxiety, and other types of mental illness. I do research to find out how to find treatments that work for each person. I also teach university students how to do research. I teach future doctors how to use the results of research to help their patients.

For me, my path was the usual 'academic' way. I completed high school, went to university, and eventually completed my PhD. Then I continued my professional training, I did research and published papers. All the while, I continued to apply for grants to do my research. Along the way I made some key decisions. The first was to attend medical school. My grandmother motivated me in this choice. She could not complete medical school herself because the Nazis closed universities in World War 2. Then I decided to move to London, England. My mentor, Dr Hana Papezova, a female psychiatrist in Prague, suggested this to me. After this, I moved to Canada. I did this thanks to an opportunity funded by the Canadian Government. It is called the Canada Research Chairs Program.

Doing research is the best thing I ever tried. No entertainment can match it! Research is the real thing. I just can't help myself. I want to keep finding answers to my questions. Teaching is just as good. I love working with smart young people who want to learn. I try my best to get to feel the connection. I feel the potential across generations of researchers. Helping people stop the torment of depressed mood and claim back their lives is the ultimate reward. Hearing from a patient about the successful outcomes of a treatment I prescribed is an awesome experience.

I like the variety of my work. I like figuring out the answers to difficult questions. I find meaning in the work I do. It is very satisfying when I see someone who was very sick get much better

I enjoy reading, hiking, fishing, and playing chess.

Do not accept truths. Do not wait to be taught how to do things. Figure things out yourself. Do not stop.

What I do at work

I treat people for depression, anxiety, and other types of mental illness. I do research to find out how to find treatments that work for each person. I also teach university students how to do research. I teach future doctors how to use the results of research to help their patients.

My career path is

For me, my path was the usual 'academic' way. I completed high school, went to university, and eventually completed my PhD. Then I continued my professional training, I did research and published papers. All the while, I continued to apply for grants to do my research. Along the way I made some key decisions. The first was to attend medical school. My grandmother motivated me in this choice. She could not complete medical school herself because the Nazis closed universities in World War 2. Then I decided to move to London, England. My mentor, Dr Hana Papezova, a female psychiatrist in Prague, suggested this to me. After this, I moved to Canada. I did this thanks to an opportunity funded by the Canadian Government. It is called the Canada Research Chairs Program.

I am motivated by

Doing research is the best thing I ever tried. No entertainment can match it! Research is the real thing. I just can't help myself. I want to keep finding answers to my questions. Teaching is just as good. I love working with smart young people who want to learn. I try my best to get to feel the connection. I feel the potential across generations of researchers. Helping people stop the torment of depressed mood and claim back their lives is the ultimate reward. Hearing from a patient about the successful outcomes of a treatment I prescribed is an awesome experience.

How I affect peoples’ lives

I like the variety of my work. I like figuring out the answers to difficult questions. I find meaning in the work I do. It is very satisfying when I see someone who was very sick get much better

Outside of work I

I enjoy reading, hiking, fishing, and playing chess.

My advice to others

Do not accept truths. Do not wait to be taught how to do things. Figure things out yourself. Do not stop.

When I was a student I enjoyed:

  • Foreign Languages
  • History

When I was a student, I would describe myself as someone who:

  • Enjoyed doing things on my own
  • Liked reading
  • Liked being given free range to explore my ideas
  • Wasn't sure what I wanted to do
  • Engaged in activities such as fishing and berry picking
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