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Shane Monaghan

Product Line Manager

Gates Corporation

Created On: November 29, 2018
Education Pathway: College/Technical
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Learn About My Career

Shane Monaghan is a Product Line Manager for Gates Corporation.

I was born/grew up in: Burlington, Ontario

I now live in: Burlington, Ontario

I completed my training/education at: Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology

I’m currently employed by a large rubber manufacturer called "Gates Corporation". The company sells product for three markets: Power Transmission, Automotive and Fluid Power. I am responsible for sales and marketing for the Fluid Power division.

At Gates we sell our products through a large number of distributors across Canada. The day to day job responsibilities vary greatly. Depending on the situation, I might be providing outside sales support or trouble shooting issues. I’m also involved in developing our marketing programs and strategic sales plans. We are always trying to see continuous improvement.

I work with a number of internal groups such as finance, demand managers, buyers, executive management, and operations. Math and Engineering are also skills that are used frequently. Math is used to figure out hydraulic system sizing, fluid velocity, flow rates, and bend radius. It is also used in margin and rebate calculations. Engineering is used to recommend the proper product and to troubleshoot existing in field system issues.

During high school I really had no idea of what I wanted to do in the future. My mother worked for Mohawk College and really pushed me towards the Fluid Power Automation Course. This course contained some of the highest graduate job placements in all of the college. When I enrolled I had little knowledge of the actual course criteria. In the course I learned a lot of hands on skills. A background in Math, Science and Technology helped me master the important content.

My career in Fluid Power so far has been very exciting, I have been lucky enough to travel to every Canadian province. I’ve also been involved with various applications in a wide variety of end markets. I have worked with world class engineering companies. In my career, I have visited many underground mines, worked on a submarine, and vintage aircraft. I also helped maintain tunnel boring equipment in Chile. I’ve also worked with the Canadian military, visited the Artic circle, worked on locomotives, as well as on large forestry equipment. I've worked on drilling rigs, amusement parks, heavy construction equipment and toured many Canadian manufacturing plants.

Compared to government regulated trades, the Fluid Power industry is mostly unregulated in terms of the required hours and in school training required by the people who are employed in the industry. I conduct onsite training in "Safe Hydraulics". I have found this to be very impactful and rewarding. For example, in one situation an employee used their new knowledge to reduce the impact of a life threatening workplace accident. Afterwards, the employee, supervisor and company all credited the training for saving the individual’s limb.

I enjoy outdoor activities, hiking, snowmobiling, fishing, photography. I volunteer with the Special Olympics, 1st Robotics and coach junior soccer.

The Fluid Power market is a little known market and is looking for young talented individuals. I have recommended this market to friends to start as a second career and they have become very successful. Strongly recommend pursuing a career in Fluid Power.

What I do at work

I’m currently employed by a large rubber manufacturer called "Gates Corporation". The company sells product for three markets: Power Transmission, Automotive and Fluid Power. I am responsible for sales and marketing for the Fluid Power division.

At Gates we sell our products through a large number of distributors across Canada. The day to day job responsibilities vary greatly. Depending on the situation, I might be providing outside sales support or trouble shooting issues. I’m also involved in developing our marketing programs and strategic sales plans. We are always trying to see continuous improvement.

I work with a number of internal groups such as finance, demand managers, buyers, executive management, and operations. Math and Engineering are also skills that are used frequently. Math is used to figure out hydraulic system sizing, fluid velocity, flow rates, and bend radius. It is also used in margin and rebate calculations. Engineering is used to recommend the proper product and to troubleshoot existing in field system issues.

My career path is

During high school I really had no idea of what I wanted to do in the future. My mother worked for Mohawk College and really pushed me towards the Fluid Power Automation Course. This course contained some of the highest graduate job placements in all of the college. When I enrolled I had little knowledge of the actual course criteria. In the course I learned a lot of hands on skills. A background in Math, Science and Technology helped me master the important content.

I am motivated by

My career in Fluid Power so far has been very exciting, I have been lucky enough to travel to every Canadian province. I’ve also been involved with various applications in a wide variety of end markets. I have worked with world class engineering companies. In my career, I have visited many underground mines, worked on a submarine, and vintage aircraft. I also helped maintain tunnel boring equipment in Chile. I’ve also worked with the Canadian military, visited the Artic circle, worked on locomotives, as well as on large forestry equipment. I've worked on drilling rigs, amusement parks, heavy construction equipment and toured many Canadian manufacturing plants.

How I affect peoples’ lives

Compared to government regulated trades, the Fluid Power industry is mostly unregulated in terms of the required hours and in school training required by the people who are employed in the industry. I conduct onsite training in "Safe Hydraulics". I have found this to be very impactful and rewarding. For example, in one situation an employee used their new knowledge to reduce the impact of a life threatening workplace accident. Afterwards, the employee, supervisor and company all credited the training for saving the individual’s limb.

Outside of work I

I enjoy outdoor activities, hiking, snowmobiling, fishing, photography. I volunteer with the Special Olympics, 1st Robotics and coach junior soccer.

My advice to others

The Fluid Power market is a little known market and is looking for young talented individuals. I have recommended this market to friends to start as a second career and they have become very successful. Strongly recommend pursuing a career in Fluid Power.

When I was a student I enjoyed:

  • Geography
  • History
  • Physical Education/Health
  • Science
  • Technology

When I was a student, I would describe myself as someone who:

  • Enjoyed working with my hands
  • Played video games
  • Wasn’t sure what I wanted to do
  • Liked to design or build things
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