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Let's Talk One Health Resources

Venn diagram of factors that inform the concept of One Health

Venn diagram of factors that inform the concept of One Health (thbbdfk, Wikimedia Commons)

Venn diagram of factors that inform the concept of One Health

Venn diagram of factors that inform the concept of One Health (thbbdfk, Wikimedia Commons)

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Discover resources to help understand the background context of the concept of One Health

The concept of One Health is one where we recognize that human health and wellness is deeply interconnected with multiple factors, including the animal world and the environment. Human beings are not alone on the planet; we share it with a wealth of other living creatures and we are all linked to them and to the planet itself. The expansion of human activity into new areas, our close proximity to and dependence upon animals, and the changing climate all have major impacts on our health and well-being. One Health is the interconnectedness of systems across human, animal and ecological determinants of health. From the most simple organism to the most complicated one, when it comes to health, we are all linked.

To learn more about One Health Let’s Talk Science brings you the Let's Talk One Health symposium as part of the Visionary Symposium Series. This event includes a panel of world-renowned scientists, visionaries and researchers engaged in a leading-edge discussion touching upon Indigenous knowledge systems and key concepts to managing the next global crisis. As part of the panel, David Saint-Jacques, Canadian Space Agency astronaut delivers a keynote address around One Health and shares his personal experience with the concept.

Below you will find thematically grouped resources to give you some background information on and get you thinking about the interconnectedness human beings have with the animal world and with the environment. 


  1. Clips from Let's Talk One Health
  2. Animals and Diseases
  3. The Environment and Climate Change
  4. General Health and Well-Being
  5. Career Profiles

Clips From Let's Talk One Health

David Saint-Jacques

David Saint-Jacques at Let's Talk One Health


Deborah McGregor

Deborah McGregor at Let's Talk One Health

Elyse Hope 

Elyse Hope at Let's Talk One Health

Full Panel Discussion

Full Panel Discussion at Let's Talk One Health

Animals and Disease


Introduction to Viruses


Learn about the basics of viruses.

Infant receiving a vaccination

Immunity and Vaccination


Learn about the history of vaccines and how vaccines trigger an immune response that keep us from getting some dangerous diseases.

 A forest damaged by pine beetles

How Do Introduced Species Affect Ecosystems and the Economy?

STEM Explained

When a species ends up outside of its natural zone, the consequences on other species, ecosystems and human industries can be severe. Climate change and human activities can introduce species into new zones.


Cows, Methane, and Climate Change

STEM Explained

How do beef and dairy cows contribute to climate change? Livestock agriculture is a source of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas.

Narwhals, polar bears and other common Arctic animals swim in the Arctic waters.  Image © id-work, iStock

How are Arctic Animals in Canada Affected by Climate Change?

STEM Explained

Arctic animals have evolved to thrive in harsh arctic ecosystems, but the environmental footprint created by climate change is affecting their survival.

Cuvier's beaked whales

Are Whales Beaching Themselves Stressed By Sonar?

STEM Explained

Read about why sonar could be causing some whales to beach themselves.

The Environment and Climate Change

Our climate is changing

Introduction to Climate Change


Learn more about the causes and impacts of global climate change.

Aquifer with tap

Groundwater Sustainability: Protecting our Hidden Treasure


Learn about groundwater and why we should protect it.

Scott Kelly et Terry Virts inspectent le système d’élimination du dioxyde de carbone de la SSI (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

Carbon Dioxide on Earth and on the ISS


Carbon dioxide is an important part of the air on Earth and in space. What is carbon dioxide? How is it measured? How can it affect us mentally and physically?

Wasted food on the ground

The Environmental Impact of Wasted Food

STEM Explained

One-third of all food produced is wasted. Learn about the environmental consequences of food waste, and what you can do about it.

A melting world-shaped glacier

What is Ocean Warming and Why Does It Matter?

STEM Explained

Oceans absorb the greatest amount of solar radiation on Earth. Ocean warming can lead to glaciers melting and ocean acidification.

Massive algal bloom

Eutrophication: Why you should care about pond scum

STEM Explained

When fertilizers from agriculture get into lakes and rivers, big problems can result for aquatic ecosystems, food chains & webs!

General Health and Wellness

X-ray image of head in hands

Stress and the Brain


Stress is more than a feeling. Understanding the importance of stress can help you to manage it. It can even lead to an improvement in your mood and how you think!

Improving Healthcare 

Innovations from the Canadian Space Agency have helped move the pace of medical technology forward. Visit the link to find out more about the innovations in healthcare that have come via the CSA.
Read more

Students studying outdoors on grass

The Benefits of Going Outside

STEM Explained

Spending time outside has important physical and psychological benefits. It can even help you learn better!

Image source: NASA
Health In Space

Health Beyond, technologies and science, funding opportunities and news.
Read more

Cartoon coronavirus overlayed with a “no” symbol

COVID-19 Resources

STEM Explained

COVID-19 learning resources and suggestions for discussing with students.

man sick with the flu

The Surprising Reason You Feel Awful When You're Sick

STEM Explained

Viruses can make you feel awful! This article explains how feeling bad might be your immune system’s way of helping you heal.

Career Profiles