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STEM Explained

Ice technician on a zamboni at an outdoor skating rink

The Hidden Heroes of Hockey!

STEM Explained

Ice Technicians use math and physics in order to keep the ice ready for hockey.

Skyglow from a city and highway

Light Pollution

STEM Explained

Light can be a type of pollution. Learn about the damage it causes to people and living things as well as how you can prevent it.

Melissa Valdez at CERN

Antimatter and Why It Matters to Me

STEM Explained

Melissa Valdez talks about her exciting work on antimatter at CERN when she was a graduate student at York University.

Bee on flower covered in pollen

Pollinators are Important!

STEM Explained

Insects and other animals that are pollinators of plants play an important role in ecosystems.

Hands holding soil and a small plant

The Dirt on Soil Conservation

STEM Explained

If I asked you to name a few things that all life on the planet couldn’t live without you could probably come up with some good answers, but I bet you’d never think to say dirt.

Field of tobacco plants, which are a source of nicotine

How do alkaloids cause addiction?

STEM Explained

Alkaloids are found in some of the most addictive substances that humans consume. What are alkaloids, and how do they cause addiction?

Holiday meal with roast turkey and cookies

Physical and Chemical Changes in the Kitchen

STEM Explained

Many physical and chemical changes happen when food is prepared. Chemistry never tasted so good!

Human kidney cross-section

Osmosis and Its Role in Human Biology and Health

STEM Explained

Learn how and where osmosis takes place in the digestive system and excretory system and the role of osmosis in kidney dialysis.

Cartoon coronavirus overlayed with a “no” symbol

COVID-19 Resources

STEM Explained

COVID-19 learning resources and suggestions for discussing with students.

Inflammation of the knee

The Immune Response: A Cellular War

STEM Explained

An inflammatory response is your body’s attempt to fight invaders. Learn how your body springs into action when attacked!

Screen capture from the MinuteEarth video “Why are there clouds?”

How Do Clouds Form?

STEM Explained

Learn how cumulus clouds form.

Algae floating on a pond

Algae Biofuel: Can Pond Scum Power the Planet?

STEM Explained

Learn about the potential of algae as a material for making biofuel.

Nutrition label on the side of a pop can

The Science Behind Calories and Nutrition Facts Labels

STEM Explained

Find out how scientists figure out the information on food nutrition labels and why that information can help to keep you healthy.

Casting hot iron

What Causes Hot Things to Glow?

STEM Explained

Getting electrons excited by heat can cause certain materials to give off visible light when heated - like filaments in light bulbs.

Mussels on a rocky coastline

Using Mussels to Monitor the Environment

STEM Explained

Mussels are a kind of invertebrate that filter food out of the water they live in. This makes them a great tool for monitoring environmental water quality and tracking bioaccumulation in aquatic food webs.