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TAG Feedback

students revising

A pair of students revising work together (track5, iStockphoto)

students revising

A pair of students revising work together (track5, iStockphoto)


How does this align with my curriculum?

AB 8 Career and Technology Foundations (CTF) (revised 2019) CTF is planning, creating, appraising and communicating in response to challenges.
AB 11 CTR2010: Job Maintenance (2016) Job Maintenance
AB 9 Career and Technology Foundations (CTF) (revised 2019) CTF is planning, creating, appraising and communicating in response to challenges.
MB 12 Grade 12 Career Development: Life/Work Transitioning (2017) Unit 1: Personal Management
MB 9 Grade 9 Career Development: Life/Work Exploration (2017) Unit 1: Personal Management
MB 10 Grade 10 Career Development: Life/Work Planning (2017) Unit 1: Personal Management
MB 11 Grade 11 Career Development: Life/Work Building (2017) Unit 1: Personal Management

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This strategy helps students provide constructive feedback to peers.

Why use it?

  • To provide a structure for giving feedback.
  • To help students provide constructive feedback to peers.

Tips for success

  • Model the strategy for students prior to implementing. Students might also practice as a class before using this framework in pairs.
  • Choose an assignment that would be useful for students to receive feedback on.

How do I use it?

  • In pairs, have students exchange work.
  • Provide students with the TAG reproducible or individual white boards.
  • Support students in reviewing their peer’s work and providing feedback based on the TAG framework:
    • T - Tell your partner what you like about their work. This is usually the easiest part of the feedback cycle.
    • A - Ask a thoughtful question. This takes a bit of modeling and it can be useful to have sentence starters for this section.
    • G - Give your partner a positive suggestion to improve the work.
  • Students then share their feedback with their partner. Provide students with time to discuss and ask questions. 


  • Once they’ve received feedback, students could work together with their partner to figure out what they will do next. Students might discuss what they will continue to do with their work and what they might adjust. 

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