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Teaching STEM

Brain, heart and hands

Head, Heart, Hands

Teaching STEM

This learning strategy encourages students to engage their head for critical analysis, their heart for emotional reflection, and their hands for practical application of what they have learned.

Two children walking outdoors in winter

Walk and Talk

Teaching STEM

This strategy helps students by providing a safe context for discussing ideas, exploring new concepts or content and applying learning in different contexts.

Four children facing each other

Compass Sharing

Teaching STEM

This strategy helps students engage in small group sharing and ensures equal opportunity for voice through its structured process.

Reverse check mark made from cubes with arrows

Flip It!

Teaching STEM

This learning strategy helps students gain new perspectives about an issue or topic and supports problem-solving.

Bull’s eye with three arrows in centre

Circle of Control, Influence and Concern

Teaching STEM

This learning strategy helps students identify challenges and then consider areas where they can focus attention on actions.

Illustration of a fish skeleton


Teaching STEM

This learning strategy helps students analyze the underlying cause and effect of problems.

Thumbs up and down hands and magnifying glass

Plus, Minus, Interesting

Teaching STEM

This learning strategy helps students examine ideas, concepts, and experiences from more than one perspective before drawing conclusions or making decisions.

Image header for Card Sort learning strategy - woman checking over post it notes affixed to a glass wall

Card Sort

Teaching STEM

This learning strategy helps students sort and categorize concepts based on meaning.

Illustration of two individuals sharing ideas

Two Minute Review

Teaching STEM

This learning strategy helps students process and consolidate new information through an active learning process.

Hands assembling a jigsaw puzzle


Teaching STEM

This learning strategy helps students to divide larger amounts of information into smaller, more manageable chunks and engages students in collaborative learning.

Creative student looks into the distance

Think, Puzzle, Explore

Teaching STEM

This learning strategy helps students activate prior knowledge and generate questions about a topic.

Three cartoon figures consulting

Troika Consulting

Teaching STEM

This learning strategy helps students find solutions with the support of a collaborative group.

Two students discussing a topic

Give one, Get one

Teaching STEM

This strategy helps students organize ideas and share their thinking with others.

Paper people cutouts in concentric circles

Inside-Outside Circles

Teaching STEM

This strategy helps students share ideas with peers in a structured fashion.

Bumper stickers on an old car

Bumper Stickers

Teaching STEM

This strategy supports students in synthesizing their learning of a main idea or principle.