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Li Tan, vêtu d'une blouse de laboratoire de couleur blanche, souriant dans son laboratoire.

Li Tan (he/him)

Career Profiles

Molecular Lead

I coordinate the day-to-day operations in the DNA Extraction Lab.
gros plan des mains des techniciens montrant une pipette avec un échantillon de sang provenant d'un récipient

Marta V. (she/her)

Career Profiles

Forensic Search Biologist

I examine evidence from crime scenes for biological material such as blood, semen, or touch DNA.
Five people, each wearing a white lab coat, standing around a lab bench that has scientific equipment on it.

Li Tan (Video)

Career Profiles

Molecular Lead

I coordinate the day-to-day operations in the DNA Extraction Lab.
Zoe Ehlert closely examining a plan that has yellow flowers

Zoë Ehlert (Video)

Career Profiles

Manager, Marker Assisted Breeding

I lead a team that develops canola crops by breeding plants with traits we are looking for.
Zoë Ehlert, vêtue d'une blouse de laboratoire blanche, pose une boîte en carton sur une étagère.

Zoë Ehlert

Career Profiles

Manager, Marker Assisted Breeding

I lead a team that develops canola crops by breeding plants with traits we are looking for.
portrait de Maria Abou Chakra

Maria Abou Chakra (she/her)

Career Profiles

Research Associate (Computational Biology)

I create computer models to predict or explain how different biological systems work.
Derek So lit un livre

Derek So

Career Profiles

Ph.D. Candidate (Human Genetics)

I research and study the ethics of genetically modifying humans.
portrait de Corey Nislow

Corey Nislow (he/him)

Career Profiles

Professor and Genomics Research Chair

I study how drugs work and how an individual’s genetic makeup can affect their response to drug treatment.
portrait de Sara Matthews

Sara Matthews

Career Profiles

Researcher - Environmental Microbiology

I help identify sources of bacteria that cause disease and understand how they survive there.
portrait de Dr. Paula Littlejohn

Dr. Paula Littlejohn (she/her)

Career Profiles

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

I research problems that affect peoples’ health, specifically in children.
Daria Iskakova headshot

Daria Iskakova (she/her)

Career Profiles

Senior Laboratory Technologist

I work in a genomics lab to identify plants and animals using DNA samples.
Ayo Bolaji headshot with blue background

Ayo Bolaji

Career Profiles

Computational Biologist

I assist in the monitoring of microorganisms, bacteria and viruses that may have an effect on our health.
Portrait de Kim TallBear

Kim TallBear (she/her)

Career Profiles

Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Peoples, Technoscience and Society, Faculty of Native Studies

I teach university and do research on science and technology from an Indigenous perspective.
Allison Guitor

Allison Guitor

Career Profiles

Researcher - Antibiotic Resistance

I study antibiotic resistance, which is what makes bacteria able to live in the presence of antibiotics.
Andrew Brereton travaillant à l'ordinateur

Andrew E. Brereton

Computational Scientist

I write code that teaches computers how to design new drugs.