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Derek So

Ph.D. Candidate (Human Genetics)

McGill University

Created On: January 17, 2024
Education Pathway: University
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Learn About My Career

I research and study the ethics of genetically modifying humans.

I was born/grew up in: Vancouver, BC

I now live in: Montreal, QC

I completed my training/education at: I have a BSc in Biology and English Literature and an MSc in Human Genetics and Bioethics, both from McGill University. I am currently working on my Ph.D. at McGill University, in the Department of Human Genetics.

I studied human genetics during my undergraduate degree. I went on to complete a Master’s degree in this area as well. I am currently working on my PhD thesis. I am researching the ethics of genetically modifying humans. One of the things I am exploring is what people think related to “genetically modified people”. In my research, I include views from psychology, and theology (religious views). I also include science fiction. I am using these views to explore where our concepts come from. I hope my research will support more discussion and add to the debate.

Most of my work is at the Centre of Genomics and Policy. Most of my work involves social sciences and humanities research. However, my STEM background is very helpful. My STEM background helps me understand the basics of the technologies used in gene research and modification. I’m better able to understand these applications and impacts. This helps me to communicate more clearly about them.

My research involves a philosophical analysis of human genome editing. I also create survey projects to look at what different groups think about biotechnologies. As a PhD student I work on my own with the guidance of my supervisors. I have also worked with others on projects and publications at the Centre of Genomics and Policy.

In high school I was most interested in becoming a geneticist. Either that or a science fiction writer. During my undergrad degree I decided to focus on human genetics. I explored different labs as places to work. I found the Centre of Genomics and Policy to be the most interesting. This was because it brought together many of my interests in a very interdisciplinary way. Since then, I have also carried out research at Yale's Summer Institute in Bioethics. I have also done research at the Hastings Center, and Harvard's STS (science, technology, and society) program.

Bioethics is an interdisciplinary field. This means you work with many different subject areas. I love that I can draw together research from a lot of different areas that interest me. These include areas such as science, history, and social psychology. It also includes comparative religion, science fiction studies, and futures studies. This topic changes as new technologies are developed and used in healthcare. This makes it a very lively area to be involved in. It always feels like you are on the cutting edge!

Human genome editing is likely to be one of the most powerful technologies of the 21st century. I think my work can help us to understand the potential effects while it is still in the early stages. I hope my research will also help us think more creatively about how we discuss and control these sorts of technologies.

For a long time, I was the captain of McGill's Quiz Bowl team (academic trivia intermurals). I was also VP of McGill's Film Society. I swim several times a week.

Spend a lot of time developing a plan for what opportunities you want to make use of. This includes such things as where you can access funding, the type of research you like to do, etc. Make sure your methods are appropriate and efficient as you can make them. Don't be afraid to reach out to people who you think might be able to help you.

What I do at work

I studied human genetics during my undergraduate degree. I went on to complete a Master’s degree in this area as well. I am currently working on my PhD thesis. I am researching the ethics of genetically modifying humans. One of the things I am exploring is what people think related to “genetically modified people”. In my research, I include views from psychology, and theology (religious views). I also include science fiction. I am using these views to explore where our concepts come from. I hope my research will support more discussion and add to the debate.

Most of my work is at the Centre of Genomics and Policy. Most of my work involves social sciences and humanities research. However, my STEM background is very helpful. My STEM background helps me understand the basics of the technologies used in gene research and modification. I’m better able to understand these applications and impacts. This helps me to communicate more clearly about them.

My research involves a philosophical analysis of human genome editing. I also create survey projects to look at what different groups think about biotechnologies. As a PhD student I work on my own with the guidance of my supervisors. I have also worked with others on projects and publications at the Centre of Genomics and Policy.

My career path is

In high school I was most interested in becoming a geneticist. Either that or a science fiction writer. During my undergrad degree I decided to focus on human genetics. I explored different labs as places to work. I found the Centre of Genomics and Policy to be the most interesting. This was because it brought together many of my interests in a very interdisciplinary way. Since then, I have also carried out research at Yale's Summer Institute in Bioethics. I have also done research at the Hastings Center, and Harvard's STS (science, technology, and society) program.

I am motivated by

Bioethics is an interdisciplinary field. This means you work with many different subject areas. I love that I can draw together research from a lot of different areas that interest me. These include areas such as science, history, and social psychology. It also includes comparative religion, science fiction studies, and futures studies. This topic changes as new technologies are developed and used in healthcare. This makes it a very lively area to be involved in. It always feels like you are on the cutting edge!

How I affect peoples’ lives

Human genome editing is likely to be one of the most powerful technologies of the 21st century. I think my work can help us to understand the potential effects while it is still in the early stages. I hope my research will also help us think more creatively about how we discuss and control these sorts of technologies.

Outside of work I

For a long time, I was the captain of McGill's Quiz Bowl team (academic trivia intermurals). I was also VP of McGill's Film Society. I swim several times a week.

My advice to others

Spend a lot of time developing a plan for what opportunities you want to make use of. This includes such things as where you can access funding, the type of research you like to do, etc. Make sure your methods are appropriate and efficient as you can make them. Don't be afraid to reach out to people who you think might be able to help you.

When I was a student I enjoyed:

  • Art
  • Drama
  • Literature and Language Arts
  • Science

When I was a student, I would describe myself as someone who:

  • Enjoyed doing things on my own
  • Enjoyed working with my hands
  • Like being given free range to explore my ideas
  • Engaged in volunteer activities
  • Liked reading
  • Played video games
  • Was really creative
  • Liked to design or build things
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