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Indigenous Studies

portrait par Gordon Martell

Gordon Martell (he/him)

Career Profiles

Assistant Professor

I teach post-secondary students to be leaders in schools and other organizations.
Kira Hoffman portant un casque rouge avec de la fumée en arrière-plan

Kira Hoffman (she/her)

Career Profiles

Postdoctoral Researcher/Fire Ecologist

I am a researcher at both a university and a not-for profit organization where I am gaining experience to become a senior researcher.
Caitlyn Lyons, prête pour la forêt avec son sac à dos et ses outils de collecte de données. La photo insérée montre Caitlyn examinant une section de gazon.

Caitlyn Lyons (she/her)

Career Profiles

Ph.D. Candidate

I am working towards my PhD and studying the forests in the Northwest Territories.
portrait par George Mitchell

George Michell (he/him)

Career Profiles

Indigenous Liaison & Recruitment Coordinator

I work with local Indigenous communities to increase representation at Seaspan and create a safe work environment.
portrait par Chantelle Richmond

Chantelle Richmond

Career Profiles

Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair

I study human-environment relationships in the Indigenous context.
portrait de Kyle Brennan Shàwinipinesì

Kyle Brennan Shàwinipinesì (he/him)

Career Profiles

Senior Lead for Indigenous Entrepreneurship

I support Indigenous Entrepreneurship by sharing and educating on the benefits of using technology to support their business.
Dolcy Meness

Dolcy Meness

Career Profiles

Nagadjitodjig Aki (Guardian)

I work as a Guardian for the environment and cultural teachings of my community, Kitigan Zibi.
portrait de Celina Wolki

Celina Wolki

Career Profiles

Researcher, Community Leader, and Regional Coordinator

I research food prices in northern communities and am involved in local projects to make sure every member of my community has access to food.
Portrait de Nicole Redvers

Nicole Redvers (she/her)

Career Profiles

Associate Professor and Director of Planetary Health

I carry out Indigenous health research and support Indigenous communities and organizations in their health research needs.
Portrait de Kim TallBear

Kim TallBear (she/her)

Career Profiles

Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Peoples, Technoscience and Society, Faculty of Native Studies

I teach university and do research on science and technology from an Indigenous perspective.
Nancy Duquet-Harvey

Nancy Duquet-Harvey

Career Profiles

Environmental Superintendent

I make sure that we don't harm the environment with our mining activities.
Hayleigh Conway posant sur une carte des TNO et désignant Inuvik sur la carte. Pris lors de la Journée du SIG 2017.

Hayleigh Conway (she/her)

Career Profiles

Geomatics Technician

I make maps that help answer questions about the health of the environment in the Western Arctic.
Dawn Pratt avec ses filles au Centre spatial de Houston

Dawn Pratt

STEM Consultant

I develop programs and STEM content and advise on the development of STEM programs.
Gwen Healey Akearok

Indigenous Career Stories


Students explore a variety of STEM-related careers from the perspective of Indigenous professionals.

Eddie O'Keefe dans un cart de golf

Eddie O'Keefe

Guidance Counsellor