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Julie Leblanc

Julie Leblanc (she/her)

Women in STEM Special Advisor

My work is to support girls and women to pursue and education and careers in STEM.
Rod Russell

Dr. Rod Russell

Professor of Virology and Immunology

I run a research lab where we study viruses and how they cause disease.
Shelina Babul

Dr. Shelina Babul (she/her)

Associate Director, BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit

My work covers all causes of injury, from falls, motor vehicle crashes and poisonings to sport-related injuries.
Dr. Arinjay Banerjee dans son labo

Arinjay Banerjee (he/him)

Research Scientist and Principal Investigator

I am a scientist and I study how viruses evolve and interact with our immune system.
Human lungs with scientists inside

Just Breathe: Lungs and Asthma


Learn about asthma and what scientists are doing to study it.

Magali Houde

Magali Houde (she/her)

Career Profiles

Research Scientist

I lead projects that look at the impacts of pollution on aquatic environments.
Montage visuel représentant les essais clinique (metamorworks, via istock)

Julia Paiva

Career Profiles

Clinical Trials Feasibility Associate

Julia helps select countries and sites for clinical trials.
Dre. Kayley McCubbin

Dr. Kayley McCubbin

Research Veterinarian

Unlike veterinarians who take care of pets, I do research to help improve the health of dairy cattle.
Medical equipment used to check homeostasis

Introduction to Homeostasis and Regulation


Learn about homeostasis and how the body regulates temperature, blood pressure, blood pH and blood sugar.

Fish farm in Norway

Should we farm fish and seafood?


In this case study, students will explore the benefits and concerns about aquaculture.

Louisa Pericleous

Louisa Pericleous

Global Director, Access Strategy Lead

Louisa's job is to ensure patients across the world have the best possible access to medications.
Jane McBride

Jane McBride

Clinical Trials, Country Lead

Jane monitors drug testing and clinical trials in Canada.
Working at laptop with stethoscope on desk

Summer Symposium Series: Health Sciences Career Resources


A career in the health sciences would let you help people directly in a very 'hands-on' way!

Élyse Caron-Beaudoin

Élyse Caron-Beaudoin

Career Profiles

Teaching Assistant in Environmental Health

Cory Nykiforuk

Cory Nykiforuk

Director, Pipeline Research