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 Physiotherapist helping a patient to walk



Dispatcher's office


Emergency Medical Dispatcher

Jessica Lam au travail dans son laboratoire

Jessica Lam

Lab Manager (Infectious Disease Research)

Jessica Lam is a Lab Manager (Infectious Disease Research) at the University of Toronto.
Abby Hardy

Abby Hardy

President & Founder

Abby Hardy is the President & Founder of Zoeta BioCommunications.
Researcher with automation equipment

Helping Patients through Drug Discovery

STEM Explained

Learn how researchers from Amgen are developing new drugs for cancer.

Medical image of the brain using Technetium-99m

Innovations in Nuclear Technologies

STEM Explained

Learn about why Canada is a world leader in nuclear technology.

Keith Bailey

Keith Bailey

Owner Pharmacist

Keith Bailey is an Owner Pharmacist for Shoppers Drug Mart.
Elena Rivkin

Elena Rivkin

Business Analyst & Team Leader

Elena Rivkin is a Business Analyst & Team Leader for Roche Canada.
Mary Omole devant une affiche de présentation

Mary Omole

Project Administrator

Mary Omole is a Project Administrator for the Qulliit Nunavut Status of Women Council.
Michelle Gilbert

Michelle Gilbert


Michelle Gilbert is a Hairstylist, located in New Brunswick.
Michael Ryerson participe à une course sur route

Michael Ryerson

Registered Massage Therapist

Michael Ryerson is a Registered Massage Therapist at Ryerson Massage Therapy.
Craig Mercer tenant un gros saumon

Craig Mercer

Aquaculture Project Coordinator

Craig Mercer is an Aquaculture Project Coordinator for Cold Ocean Salmon.
Erica Dupuis montrant comment utiliser un stéthoscope à une jeune fille

Erica Dupuis

Cardiac Registered Nurse

Erica Dupuis is a Cardiac Registered Nurse for Horizon Health Network, NB.
Stethoscope on globe

STEAM Jobs Around the World


Students will develop critical thinking skills as they investigate STEAM careers locally and internationally.

Medical supplies and Canada flag

Creating a Vaccine for COVID-19 in Canada

STEM Explained

Learn how vaccines are developed, how they work and how some scientists in Canada are researching vaccines for COVID-19.