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portrait par Shawn Fisher

Shawn Fisher

Career Profiles

CEO and Co-Founder

I advance sustainable food production at the point of consumption by inventing smart farming appliances.
Christelle Fournier

Christelle Fournier

Career Profiles

Permaculture guide, Founder of the company Fertiles

I offer consulting services to organizations, municipalities, indigenous communities, to support them in their eco-citizen projects related to food security.
Nancy Rogers debout sur un affleurement rocheux où elle prospecte des minéraux. Encadré : Roche de labradorite coupée pour exposer les motifs de couleur.

Nancy Rogers

Career Profiles

Genuine Prospector and Craftsperson

I travel to remote areas looking for signs of minerals and crystals.
Bakery entrepreneurs

Young Entrepreneurs – Math and Your Dream Business


Learn how entrepreneurs use math when starting a business.

protrait de Dr. Molly Shoichet

Molly Shoichet (she/her)

Career Profiles

Professor and Research Team Lead

I teach undergraduate students in engineering and I lead a research team in biomedical and chemical engineering.
Kevin Stone travaille sur une sculpture en métal

Kevin Stone (he/him)

Career Profiles

Metal Sculpture Artist

I design and build metal sculptures.
portrait de Kyle Brennan Shàwinipinesì

Kyle Brennan Shàwinipinesì (he/him)

Career Profiles

Senior Lead for Indigenous Entrepreneurship

I support Indigenous Entrepreneurship by sharing and educating on the benefits of using technology to support their business.
Jo-Anne McArthur

Jo-Anne McArthur (she/her)

Career Profiles

Photojournalist, Founder

I operate a non-profit media organization that shows the lives of animals in pictures.
portrait de Justin Rotman

Justin Rotman

Career Profiles

Founder & CEO

I help to determine business strategy and lead our team to serve our customers and build our product.
Portrait de Anne-Marie Mulumba

Anne-Marie Mulumba

Career Profiles

User Experience Research Consultant

I work with organizations to help them better understand their customers and users of their products, so we can improve that experience for them.
Portrait de Sydney Robinson

Sydney Robinson

Career Profiles

Biomedical Engineer and Entrepreneur

I am an entrepreneur who used my engineering background to design a device that helps amputees do daily tasks in a more painless manner.
Viviana Ramirez-Luna dehors en hiver

Viviana Ramirez-Luna (she/her)

Environmental Entrepreneur

I founded (and run) a consulting company to help businesses, communities, and organizations reduce the waste they produce
Amanda McCallum

Amanda McCallum

Geologist, Communication Specialist, Business Owner

I'm a prospecting geologist, a science communication specialist and business owner.
Max Salman aux commandes d'un avion.

Max Salman

Career Profiles

PH.D. Student / Affiliate Researcher

I ask questions to things that don’t have answers yet.
Dawn Pratt avec ses filles au Centre spatial de Houston

Dawn Pratt

STEM Consultant

I develop programs and STEM content and advise on the development of STEM programs.