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DNA barcoding used to test food

The Classification of Life: From Linnaeus to DNA Barcoding


Learn about two taxonomy systems that scientists use to classify the life around us.

Several longhouse and other stone structures on Pamiok Island, in Ungava Bay, Quebec

The Dating Habits of Archaeologists

STEM Explained

Radiocarbon dating is a method of radiometric dating. Learn how archaeologists use carbon isotopes to find the age of organic materials at archaeological sites.

Finger with a drop of blood

The Immune Response

STEM Explained

When you cut your finger, your immune system kicks in to protect you from pathogens.

man sick with the flu

The Surprising Reason You Feel Awful When You're Sick

STEM Explained

Viruses can make you feel awful! This article explains how feeling bad might be your immune system’s way of helping you heal.

Cartoon mammoth

Should Scientists Clone Extinct Species?

STEM Explained

Cloning makes it possible to bring extinct species back to life. But is that a good idea?

Crispy fried crickets © phuketisland, iStockphoto

Should We Eat Bugs?

STEM Explained

What's tasty, abundant and high in protein and vitamins? Bugs! Bugs feed about 2 billion people each day. They also hold promise for food security and sustainability.

Former Canadian astronaut Robert Thirsk enjoys cycling on board the ISS

Spaceflight and Bone Loss

STEM Explained

Astronauts can experience bone loss in space. To understand why, you need to know a bit about how bones are formed and maintained in your body.

Replica of the earliest wooden model stethoscope

Stethoscope Replica


Using stethoscopes, doctors can use sound waves to detect various health issues. Learn how this device has evolved since it was invented in 1816!



Picture Collections

10 images of some cold-blooded vertebrates such as snakes, lizards and alligators typically having dry, scaly skin

Seed-producing plants

Seed Dispersal


Students develop and apply the skills of observing, comparing, contrasting, sorting and classifying, to investigate how seeds move from place to place.



Picture Collections

5 images representing the senses of hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting and touching

Pavlova meringue with fruit

Meringue: The Science Behind a Wonderfully Fluffy Dessert

STEM Explained

Learn about the biochemistry of cooking meringue.

Bacteria can be used to generate electricity

Microbial Fuel Cells

STEM Explained

In a few decades, some of the electricity you use might be generated by bacteria.

A 3D-rendered illustration of stem cells

My Stem Cell Donation Story

STEM Explained

In April 2016, Let’s Talk Science volunteer Daniel Tarade donated stem cells to help a person who needed a stem cell transplant to survive. Learn what stem cells are, how and why people donate, and what Daniel’s experience was like.

Great tits eat from a bird feeder

Natural Selection in Your Backyard

STEM Explained

A study on bird feeders and beak sizes shows how an everyday human activity can affect the evolution of another species.