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Jenny Fortier - Gestionnaire de serres

Jenny Fortier (Video)

Environmental Entrepreneur

Jenny Fortier is an Environmental Entrepreneur, located in Ontario.
Kelly White | Massothérapeute autorisée

Kelly White

Career Profiles

Registered Massage Therapist

Kelly White is a registered massage therapist in Newfoundland.
Emily Jobson | Spécialiste de l’environnement

Emily Jobson

Career Profiles

Environmental Specialist

Emily Jobson is an environmental specialist in Alberta.
Kaleigh Gray | Associée de recherche/technicienne en sécurité chez Monsanto Canada

Kaleigh Gray

Career Profiles

Research Associate/Safety Technician

Kaleigh Gray is a Research Associate/Safety Technician for Monsanto Canada.
Kathy Deuchars | Ontario Genomics

Kathy Deuchars

Career Profiles

Senior Manager

Kathy Deuchars is the Senior Manager of Business Development and Research, Ontario Genomics
Marc Fiume | PDG de DNAstack

Marc Fiume

Career Profiles


Marc Fiume is the CEO of DNAstack, a software that manages genomic data.
Janet Smylie | Médecin de famille et chercheuse

Janet Smylie

Career Profiles

Family Doctor and Research Scientist

Janet Smylie is a family doctor and research scientist at St. Michael's Hospital.
Lauren Saville | Présidente et créatrice chez Primate Tales

Lauren Saville

Career Profiles

Owner & creator

Lauren Saville is the Owner & creator of Primate Tales.
Jenny Fortier | Gestionnaire de serre

Jenny Fortier

Career Profiles

Initiatives Officer and Greenhouse Operator

Jenny Fortier is the initiatives officer for FedNor (Federal Economic Development Initiative in Northern Ontario).
Stephanie Butler Tucker coiffant une cliente

Stephanie Butler Tucker

Career Profiles

Hair Stylist

Stephanie Butler Tucker is a Hair Stylist at a Mobile hair styling business.
David Charest | Directeur du développement sectoriel

David Charest

Career Profiles

Director, Sector Development

David Charest is the director of sector development at Genome in British Columbia.
Carolyn Fitzsimmons | Chercheuse scientifique

Carolyn Fitzsimmons

Career Profiles

Research Scientist

Carolyn Fitzsimmons is a research scientist at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
Steph Halmhofer | Bioarchéologue

Steph Halmhofer

Career Profiles


Steph Halmhofer is a Bioarchaeologist for In Situ Anthropological Consulting.
Julia Matheson Technicienne en recherche, Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS)

Julia Matheson

Career Profiles

Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (BATS) Research Technician

Julia Matheson is the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (BATS) Research Technician for the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS).
Kofi Adasi | Chargé de cours en biologie

Kofi Adasi

Career Profiles

Biology Lecturer

Kofi Adasi is a Biology Lecturer at King's University college.