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portrait de Adrian Prado

Adrian Prado (he/him)

Career Profiles

Sustainable Development Support Analyst

I help communities with their climate change adaptation plans and sustainable development issues.
Meghana Munipalle

Meghana Munipalle (she/her)

Career Profiles

Graduate Student, Biomedical Engineering

I am a graduate student working towards my PhD in biological and biomedical engineering.
portrait de Brock Fenton

Brock Fenton (he/him)

Career Profiles

Emeritus Professor

I study bats around the world.
Portrait de Kim TallBear

Kim TallBear (she/her)

Career Profiles

Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Peoples, Technoscience and Society, Faculty of Native Studies

I teach university and do research on science and technology from an Indigenous perspective.
Portrait de Gabriel Hould Gosselin

Gabriel Hould Gosselin

Career Profiles

Research Associate

I support teams that collect data on the melting permafrost layer in the arctic.
Winston Campeau headshot

Winston Campeau

Career Profiles

Researcher - Evolutionary Processes

I use computer simulations and math to research how animals' behavior changes when their environment changes.
Harvesting plants

Using Plants to Make Medicines


Learn how plants can be used to make vaccines.

Bacteria, whale and universe

Understanding Scale: From Planck to Cosmic


Learn measuring the scale of everything, from the very tiny to the super gigantic!

A variety of plants

Parts of a Plant


What are the main parts of plants and what functions do these parts serve for plants?

A biodiesel filling station

Introduction to Biofuels

STEM Explained

Learn about biofuels and what makes them a promising alternative to fossil fuels.

Portrait de Devon Hardy

Devon Hardy (she/her/elle)

Career Profiles

Program Director

I run a non-profit program that supports environmental sustainability in the arts.
Shown are a collection of faces of people working in healthcare

Let's Talk the Future of Medicine Resources


Discover a set of resources designed to get you thinking about the future of medicine

Shown is an artistic rendering of coloured nerve cells.

Networks of Life


Learn about the math behind networks and where we find networks in the natural and technological world.

Western Toad

Frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts, oh my!


Learn about amphibians, their life in the coastal temperate rainforest biome, and how you can help them out!

portrait de Rhiannon Cooper

Rhiannon Cooper (she/her)

Career Profiles


I monitor the patterns and trends of infectious diseases across the province.