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National Office Lending Library Kit


Budding Marine Biologists

Participants learn about the specialized forms and adaptations of marine animals through hands-on activities and role playing.


Budding Biologists

Participants learn about the form and function of insects and birds through hands-on activities.

Health Sciences

The Bone Zone

Participants learn about the functions of the skeletal system and build a model hand to test for strength and stability.

Earth & Environmental Sciences

Tectonic Rocks! Marine Extensions

Participants explore plate tectonics and mapping of the Earth's crust with a focus on marine sciences and applications.

Earth & Environmental Sciences

Tectonic Rocks!

Participants explore the results of plate movement and how landforms are created through simulations and models.

Earth & Environmental Sciences

Tomatosphere™ Workshop: Setting-up the Seed Investigation

Participants examine the effects of he space environment on the germination of tomato seeds.


Transportation and the Environment

Participants examine current and potential energy sources used for transportation.


DNA Biotechnology Kit

Participants learn about the structure and function of DNA through gel electrophoresis.


Bright Lights, Big Science

Participants learn how light can be transmitted, reflected, refracted or absorbed by materials in the environment.


Air Forces: The Science of Flight

Participants learn about the history of flight, the basics of force, the four forces of flight and the application of Newton's Laws of Motion to flight.


Crime Lab

This workshop encourages participants to think critically while exploring various techniques used in forensic science.


Ancient Machines

Participants gain an understanding of how simple machines make it easier to move heavy loads.

Information Technology

Driving Towards the Future

Participants explore the current topic of self-driving cars and use it as a platform to learn about the big ideas behind computational thinking.


Entrepreneurial Science

Participants learn about the economics of science by forming a company to design a self-propelled object.

Astronomy & Space Science

Exploration Mars

Participants explore the challenges of space exploration by designing, building and testing a space probe to land on Mars.