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DNA Biotechnology Kit

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Participants learn about the structure and function of DNA through gel electrophoresis.

Explore genetics! In this workshop, participants will practice proper pipetting technique and visualize DNA through agarose gel electrophoresis. They will learn about the polymerase chain reaction technique for DNA fingerprinting and learn how DNA can be a powerful tool in forensic investigations.

What You Need

Physical Requirements

  • Demonstration area at the front of the room.
  • A computer and projector for the PowerPoint presentation. 
  • Access to an electrical outlet to perform the gel electrophoresis.

Activity 1: DNA Whodunit? (Gel Electrophoresis Activity)

  • Safety glasses (30) 
  • VWR gel box (with lid, casting dams, combs and electric cords)
  • Power supply (with electric cords)
  • Pipettes (15-20)
  • Fixed volume pipettes (5-8)
  • Pipette tips (8-10 boxes)
  • Erlenmeyer flask 
  • Graduated cylinder
  • 1L bottle labelled “TAE buffer”
  • 50x TAE buffer 
  • Prepared TAE buffer (20ml of the 50X TAE in 980 ml of water- use a 1L bottle for this preparation)
  • Bottle of agarose powder
  • Transilluminator
  • Gloves (60)
  • Practice gels, cut into quarters (8 total, 1 per group of 4 students)
  • Plastic boxes (8 total, 1 per group of 4 students)
  • Labelled tubes of practice dye (8 total, 1 per group of 4 students)
  • Labelled “waste” cups (8 total, 1 per group of 4 students)
  • Running gel (8)
  • Labelled set of suspect and crime samples 
  • Pieces of wax paper, cut into 5cm x 5cm squares (8 total, optional)
  • DNA ladder (optional)
  • Prepared DNA samples (optional)
  • Loading dye (optional)


  • DNA WhoDunit? Gel Electrophoresis Worksheet (optional)

Refer to page 35 of the DNA Biotechnology manual for notes on restocking and sourcing materials for this workshop. 



Safety Notes

  • Food or drink may not be consumed during the workshop.
  • Eye protection must be worn for the entirety of the activity. 
  • Participants must wash their hands with soap and water at the end of the workshop.

What To Do

Activity Prep 

  • Prepare practice gels and running gels one day in advance of the event. 
    • Assemble gel casting traps by adding the dams to the open ends of the trays. 
    • Insert the comb into the tray. 
      • Practice gels: insert two combs (one at top and one at middle) to cut into smaller pieces.
      • Running gel: insert comb at the top position only.
    • Prepare 1 L of 1X TAW buffer by diluting 20mL of 50X TAE buffer to 1L total volume of water (20mL 50X TAW buffer to 980mL water),
    • Practice gel: add 1.5 to 2g of agarose per 120mL of water (1 ml = ¼ tsp).
    • Running gel: add 1.5 to 2g of agarose per 120mL of 1X TAE buffer 
    • Microwave the agarose for 1 min then gentle swirl to dissolve powder. 
    • Slowly pour the agarose into the gel tray.
    • Allow the gel to solidify completely before removing casting dams. 
    • Gently remove the comb(s) from the gel and then gel from the tray. 
    • Cover gel completely to prevent it from drying and store in a clean container.
      • Practice gels: cover in water 
      • Running gels: cover in 1X TAE buffer 
    • Repeat until all gels are made. 
      • Practice gels: can be cut into small pieces to distribute between groups. 
  • Ensure that there are enough practice samples and suspect samples for the outreach activity. See Appendix 2 on page 39 of the DNA Biotechnology manual for sample restocking information.
  • Set up stations before the start of the activity. Each station should have the following:
    • ¼ practice gel in a sandwich box covered with water
    • 1 pipette
    • 1 labelled tube of practice dye
    • 1 box of pipette tips
    • 1 labelled “waste” bucket
  • Set up the gel electrophoresis machine and place the running gel in the gel box and cover fully with 1X TAE buffer. See Appendix 3 on pages 41-42 of the DNA Biotechnology manual for information on setting up the VWR gel box. 
  • Make sure each pipette is set to the same volume (10µl) before starting this activity. It is best to do it before setting them out.


  • Write “deoxyribonucleic acid” on the whiteboard. 
  • Briefly explain the role of DNA, where it is found in the body and its structure.
  • Introduce the four nucleobases: adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine and discuss the base pair rule. 

Activity 1: DNA Whodunit? (Gel electrophoresis)

  • Explain how polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is used to make copies of DNA for analysis. 
    • Show prepared samples. 
  • Explain how agarose gel electrophoresis is used to visualize DNA after PCR amplification. 
  • Demonstrate how to properly hold and use the pipette, including how to remove, reattach the tip and how to load a sample in the practice gel. 
    • Draw a diagram on the classroom board showing how to withdraw and release samples and the different resistance (stops) of the pipette.
  • Participants will work in groups to practice pipetting their practice sample into the practice gels. 
    • If they are having trouble, they can practice pipetting onto pieces of wax paper. Each drop should be the same size.
  • Participants will load the crime scene sample and each sample into the well of the running gel. If you have a DNA ladder available, load it into the first well as you explain how it works. 
    • Make sure each sample is loaded in the correct order to aid identification. 
    • Remember to use a clean pipette tip between the different samples. 
  • Once the gel is loaded, cover the gel tray with the lid, attach the power cables and turn it on to 100V.
  • Observe the bubbles rising from the positive and negative terminals- this is due to the electrolysis of water and indicates that the gel is running.
  • Once the bands are about halfway through the gel, turn off the power supply. This usually takes about 20 to 30 minutes. 

Activity 2: DNA Fingerprinting

  • As the samples are running in the electrophoresis chamber, go over the DNA Biotechnology presentation to help explore the topics of PCR, electrophoresis and DNA fingerprinting. 


  • Gather the class around the gel to view the bands.
  • Discuss the results and have the group decide which suspect sample matches the crime scene sample. 
  • If time allows, hand out the DNA WhoDunit? Gel Electrophoresis worksheet. 
  • Discuss possible careers related to the topics covered and what they would need to do (education, experience, etc…) to get into those careers. 

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule that includes all the instructions organisms need to grow, develop, function and survive. Although everyone's DNA is very similar, no two people have exactly the same DNA. DNA fingerprinting (also called DNA profiling or typing) is the process of determining a person’s DNA characteristics or profile. 

The first step in DNA fingerprinting is to get enough DNA to work with from a sample. Scientists use a technique called polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to copy DNA. Because PCR is very specific, scientists are able to target sections of genes called introns. Introns are sections of a gene that do not code for anything functional and are prone to mutations. Everyone has a different number of repeated copies of introns (variable number tandem repeats or VNTRs) which allows forensic scientists to differentiate between samples in DNA fingerprinting. 

The second step is to visualize the DNA that has been collected. Electrophoresis involves applying an electric current to move molecules through a gel, separating them based on size. Because DNA is negatively charged, the segments will migrate towards the positive end of the gel electrophoresis chamber. The speed that the DNA segments move through the agarose gel is dependent on the size of the sample. Genetic samples with many VNTRs in the introns will make larger PCR products and will move slower through the gel. Shorter pieces will be able to travel faster through the gel. Scientists use a fluorescent dye that binds between the nucleotide bases in the samples to visualize the DNA segments. In this activity, participants use coloured samples instead.

The last step in DNA fingerprinting is to compare the crime scene data sample to the DNA collected from the suspects. Forensic scientists use more than one genetic marker or intron region when making comparisons for higher accuracy. Participants should conclude that suspect #5 matches the sample found at the crime scene because the banding patterns are the same. The results of this experiment provide more information regarding the relationships between the suspects. For example, suspects #7 and #8 are twins because they have the same banding pattern.

The techniques practiced in this workshop are used in many different careers including forensic science, genetic testing for heritable disease and paternity testing.

  • If you do not have time to run the gel electrophoresis from Activity 1 – DNA Whodunit? (Gel electrophoresis), you can set up stations for each of the above activities and rotate groups of students through. See the Appendices of the DNA Biotechnology manual for suggested set up and dialogue points for each activity. Plan to have each group spend approximately 20 minutes at each station. Adjust the script accordingly.
  • To run Activity 1 – DNA Whodunit? (Gel electrophoresis) as a mall display or booth, have the various samples from Activity 1 set-out for people to practice their pipetting technique. Make sure to use practice gels and dyes only. The practice gels can be rinsed out and reused. As with all set-ups, ensure that everyone involved (volunteers and participants) has gloves and eye protection. If you have access to an area where you can safely set up the gel box, you can also choose to have samples running inside the chamber to demonstrate gel electrophoresis. 
  • Gelatin powder can be used instead of agarose for the practice gel. Experiment to get the right consistency, the gel should be very firm to the touch and hold shape when moved. 
  • Bring some math into the workshop by discussing exponential growth. PCR allows for the exponential replication of a DNA sample. Starting with 21= 2, show participants how exponential growth can lead to the creation of many copies of sample DNA very fast (for example, 30 rounds of replication would equal 1,073,741,824 copies! 
  • DNA Extraction (Backgrounders) - Provides more information on the basics of how DNA can be extracted from cells. 
  • Genomics Resources (STEM in Context) - Resource page including articles and career profiles related to genomics. 
  • Sanger Sequencing (Backgrounders) - Provides information about DNA sequencing and the Sanger Sequencing method). 


What's Happening?

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule that includes all the instructions organisms need to grow, develop, function and survive. Although everyone's DNA is very similar, no two people have exactly the same DNA. DNA fingerprinting (also called DNA profiling or typing) is the process of determining a person’s DNA characteristics or profile. 

The first step in DNA fingerprinting is to get enough DNA to work with from a sample. Scientists use a technique called polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to copy DNA. Because PCR is very specific, scientists are able to target sections of genes called introns. Introns are sections of a gene that do not code for anything functional and are prone to mutations. Everyone has a different number of repeated copies of introns (variable number tandem repeats or VNTRs) which allows forensic scientists to differentiate between samples in DNA fingerprinting. 

The second step is to visualize the DNA that has been collected. Electrophoresis involves applying an electric current to move molecules through a gel, separating them based on size. Because DNA is negatively charged, the segments will migrate towards the positive end of the gel electrophoresis chamber. The speed that the DNA segments move through the agarose gel is dependent on the size of the sample. Genetic samples with many VNTRs in the introns will make larger PCR products and will move slower through the gel. Shorter pieces will be able to travel faster through the gel. Scientists use a fluorescent dye that binds between the nucleotide bases in the samples to visualize the DNA segments. In this activity, participants use coloured samples instead.

The last step in DNA fingerprinting is to compare the crime scene data sample to the DNA collected from the suspects. Forensic scientists use more than one genetic marker or intron region when making comparisons for higher accuracy. Participants should conclude that suspect #5 matches the sample found at the crime scene because the banding patterns are the same. The results of this experiment provide more information regarding the relationships between the suspects. For example, suspects #7 and #8 are twins because they have the same banding pattern.

Why Does it Matter?

The techniques practiced in this workshop are used in many different careers including forensic science, genetic testing for heritable disease and paternity testing.

Investigate Further

  • If you do not have time to run the gel electrophoresis from Activity 1 – DNA Whodunit? (Gel electrophoresis), you can set up stations for each of the above activities and rotate groups of students through. See the Appendices of the DNA Biotechnology manual for suggested set up and dialogue points for each activity. Plan to have each group spend approximately 20 minutes at each station. Adjust the script accordingly.
  • To run Activity 1 – DNA Whodunit? (Gel electrophoresis) as a mall display or booth, have the various samples from Activity 1 set-out for people to practice their pipetting technique. Make sure to use practice gels and dyes only. The practice gels can be rinsed out and reused. As with all set-ups, ensure that everyone involved (volunteers and participants) has gloves and eye protection. If you have access to an area where you can safely set up the gel box, you can also choose to have samples running inside the chamber to demonstrate gel electrophoresis. 
  • Gelatin powder can be used instead of agarose for the practice gel. Experiment to get the right consistency, the gel should be very firm to the touch and hold shape when moved. 
  • Bring some math into the workshop by discussing exponential growth. PCR allows for the exponential replication of a DNA sample. Starting with 21= 2, show participants how exponential growth can lead to the creation of many copies of sample DNA very fast (for example, 30 rounds of replication would equal 1,073,741,824 copies! 
  • DNA Extraction (Backgrounders) - Provides more information on the basics of how DNA can be extracted from cells. 
  • Genomics Resources (STEM in Context) - Resource page including articles and career profiles related to genomics. 
  • Sanger Sequencing (Backgrounders) - Provides information about DNA sequencing and the Sanger Sequencing method). 

