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Information Technology/Computer Science

Volunteer Activity - Alternative Science Facts

Can you design icons for different screens?

Acting as a “graphic designer” for a new, 2D video game, learners create icons or characters through pixel art. By designing the same icon or character in two different sizes, learners ensure the “game” can be played on phones (simplified images for smaller screens) and/or desktop computers (larger images for bigger screens).

Volunteer Activity - Alternative Science Facts

3D Printed Animal Tracks

Participants learn how to identify animals that may live in their environment using “signs”. Then, they will learn how photogrammetry can be used to scan and make digital models out of animal tracks found in nature so that they can be 3D printed.

Information Technology

Step Counter

Learners create a Micro:bit step counter using Make Code.

information technology

Password Protection!

Learners enhance their understanding of encryption and decryption to protect personal information and develop critical thinking skills by using different encryption tools to create and send coded messages.

Earth & Environmental Science

Design and Build a Seed Saver

Learners develop computational thinking skills and global competencies as they collaboratively work together to design and build a structure that will protect the last Truffula seed (from the story ‘The Lorax’).

information technology

Coding Club

Learners explore some foundational computer programming concepts and develop computational thinks skills by participating in three weeks of hands-on coding activities, via Scratch, for one-hour sessions, where each session builds off the previous session.

information technology

Python Coding Club

Learners build off the skills they developed in the (Scratch) Coding Club, developed by McGill University, and further expand some foundational computer programming concepts and further develop computational thinking skills.

Health Sciences

Cancer Fact or Fiction

How can we tell what is cancer fact versus fiction? Learn how to critically evaluate online sources for credible information on cancer research topics while understanding the importance of research translation across the internet.

information technology

Binary Basics

Welcome to the science behind computer communication! Learners will explore the basics of binary, learn how to count in binary and how binary is used to encode different kinds of information in computers, through a variety of activities.

Information Technology

Trashbot Challenge

Using the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a provocation for learning, learners explore real-world robots that help protect the environment and are challenged to design a robot to clean-up trash from the schoolyard or a local  outdoor space. This activity can be done in-person or in a virtual setting.

Information Technology

Coding Unplugged

Students will learn some foundational programming concepts and develop computational thinking skills through several screen-free activities.

Information Technology

Code a Drum in Scratch

Learners develop decomposition skills and learn about sequences and repetition by using Scratch to code a drumming sequence.

Information Technology

The Future of AI in the Workplace

Learners will use their knowledge of AI to ponder and form questions about the future of AI in the workplace and what role citizens could play in its development for daily use.

Information Technology

You Be The Computer

Learners will practice and further develop their human emotion and facial recognition skills, similar to how AI programs learn.

Information Technology

What's in a Face?

Learners will use their knowledge of AI and how facial filters work to explore the pros and cons of this rapidly advancing technology.