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Brianna Lummerding à genoux près d’un cerceau en plastique collectant des échantillons dans un champ herbeux.

Brianna Lummerding

Career Profiles

Agronomic Innovation Manager

I look after all things related to soil management for a group of retailers.
Image header for the Living In A Warming World interactive

Living In A Warming World Interactive


Lexie is on a mission to help these animals with their Climate Change challenges.

Front cover of Living In A Warming World

Living In A Warming World


A pdf eBook focusing on Canadian animals and how they adapt to different conditions, introducing the impacts of climate change.

Walking trail through trees and tall grasses

Exploring Habitats


Students will make observations and inferences about three different habitats.

Western Toad

Frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts, oh my!


Learn about amphibians, their life in the coastal temperate rainforest biome, and how you can help them out!

Coyote walking through a park in Quebec

Coyotes: Coming to a town near you?

STEM Explained

Learn why coyotes are spreading in Canada and how this affects their relations with humans.

Earthworms living in healthy black soil

Healthy Soil


Students will explore the composition and characteristics of different local soils and learn about what makes soil healthy.

Image of a tide pool

Diversity of Canada’s Marine Coastal Habitats


Learn about the plants and animals in Canada’s marine coastal habitats, and what you can do to protect them.

Red jellyfish

Life in the Deep Sea


Learn about the unique creatures that live in deep sea ecosystems.

White water rafting on the Fraser River in British Columbia

Introduction to Rivers & Streams


Learn about the physical geography, chemistry and ecology of rivers and streams.

Boat on a lake at sunset

Humans and Freshwater Ecosystems


Learn about how people impact the ecosystems of lakes and rivers.

Aerial view of a wetland

Introduction to Freshwater Wetlands


Learn about the geology, chemistry and ecology of freshwater wetlands.

Pond in a valley

Introduction to Lakes & Ponds


Learn about the geology, chemistry and ecology of lakes and ponds.

Bee on flower covered in pollen

Pollinators are Important!

STEM Explained

Insects and other animals that are pollinators of plants play an important role in ecosystems.

Hands holding soil and a small plant

The Dirt on Soil Conservation

STEM Explained

If I asked you to name a few things that all life on the planet couldn’t live without you could probably come up with some good answers, but I bet you’d never think to say dirt.