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Unit D: Changes in Living Systems

White Swan

Birds: Aquatic

Picture Collections

12 images of some birds such as seagulls, puffins, ducks and Canada Geese that live on or around freshwater or saltwater habitats

African Penguins

Birds: Flightless

Picture Collections

4 images of some birds such as emus and penguins that have less developed or small wings and have evolved over time not to be able to fly


Birds: Landfowl

Picture Collections

4 images of some birds that are heavy-bodied and ground feeders such as turkeys, pheasants and peacocks

Ella Harvey | gestionnaire de données chez OLD (Barcode of Life Data System).

Ella Harvey

Career Profiles

Data Manager

Ella Harvey is a data manager at BOLD (Barcode of Life Data System).
Professeur de biologie des organismes et évolutionniste, Université Harvard

Gonzalo Giribet

Career Profiles

Professor of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology

Gonzalo Giribet is a professor of organismic and evolutionary biology at Harvard University.
Meredith Ann Epp | Gestionnaire des communications et du marketing

Meredith Ann Epp

Career Profiles

Communications and Marketing Manager

Meredith Ann Epp is the Communications and Marketing Manager for the Marine Stewardship Council Oceania.
Stephanie Good | Responsable de la certification des pêches

Stephanie Good

Career Profiles

Senior Fisheries Certification Manager

Stephanie Good is a Senior Fisheries Certification Manager for Marine Stewardship Council.
Lucy Erickson | Gestionnaire des communications scientifiques pour le Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)

Lucy Erickson

Career Profiles

Science Communications Manager

Lucy Erickson is the Science Communications Manager for the Marine Stewardship Council/MSC.
Karine Duffy | Coordonnatrice du programme d’intendance de l’habitat

Karine Duffy

Career Profiles

Habitat Stewardship Program Coordinator

Karine Duffy is the Habitat Stewardship Program Coordinator for the Canadian Wildlife Service.