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Strand F: Plant: Anatomy, Growth, and Function

Lacey Rose | Experte-forestière, comté de Renfrew

Lacey Rose

Career Profiles

County Forester

Lacey Rose is a County Forester for the County of Renfrew.
Linda Jewell | Chercheuse scientifique en phytopathologie

Linda Jewell

Career Profiles

Research Scientist in Plant Pathology

Linda Jewell is a Research Scientist in Plant Pathology at St. John’s Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
Greta Chiu | Rédactrice technique en agriculture

Greta Chiu

Career Profiles

Agricultural Technical Writer

Greta Chiu is an agricultural technical writer for Kenna Communications.
Ingrid Fung | Analyste principale

Ingrid Fung

Career Profiles

Senior Analyst

Ingrid Fung is a senior analyst at Verdex Capital in Ontario.
Jenny Fortier - Gestionnaire de serres

Jenny Fortier (Video)

Environmental Entrepreneur

Jenny Fortier is an Environmental Entrepreneur, located in Ontario.
Larisa Morier | Monsanto Canada

Larisa Morier

Career Profiles

Technology Development Data Manager

Larisa Morier is a Technology Development Data Manager for Monsanto Canada.
Kaleigh Gray | Associée de recherche/technicienne en sécurité chez Monsanto Canada

Kaleigh Gray

Career Profiles

Research Associate/Safety Technician

Kaleigh Gray is a Research Associate/Safety Technician for Monsanto Canada.
Garrett Ugray - Initial Attack Incident Commander

Garrett Ugray (Video)

Aspiring Entrepreneur

Garrett Ugray is an Aspiring Entrepreneur, located in Ontario.
Jenny Fortier | Gestionnaire de serre

Jenny Fortier

Career Profiles

Initiatives Officer and Greenhouse Operator

Jenny Fortier is the initiatives officer for FedNor (Federal Economic Development Initiative in Northern Ontario).
Garrett Ugray | Commandant de première intervention sur les lieux de l'incident

Garrett Ugray

Career Profiles

Initial Attack Incident Commander

Garrett Ugray is an initial attack incident commander for the Aviation Forest Fire and Emergency Services branch of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.
Sylvie Cloutier | Chercheuse scientifique – généticienne moléculaire

Sylvie Cloutier

Research Scientist

Sylvie Cloutier is a Research Scientist with a focus in Molecular geneticist for Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada.