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Strand B: Biochemistry

Person in white coat pointing to AI button

Discovering Drugs with the Help of Machine Learning


Learn how machine learning is being used in protein drug discovery.

PET-ase bacteria

Plastic-Eating Bacteria: Nature's Recyclers


Learn how bacteria can help solve the world’s plastic problem.

portrait de Sarah Eaton

Sarah Jane Eaton

Career Profiles


I lead a team that is responsible for licensing small modular reactors.
Luke Humphries

Luke Humphries

Career Profiles

Director, Process Development

I lead teams of scientists to discover and develop the best ways of making drug molecules for clinical trials.
Marty Larabie

Marty Larabie (he/him)

Career Profiles

Radiation Inspector

I perform radiation safety inspections of persons who use nuclear material.
Portrait de Corie Houldsworth

Corie Houldsworth

Career Profiles


I perform inspections of worksites where radiation is used, stored or transported.
Plant Cells with Visible Chloroplasts

Specialized Cells of the Leaf System


Learn about the structure and function of the cells in leaves.

Seedling with sunlight

Light & Plants


Learn about the process of photosynthesis and how it is affected by light levels.

Pickering nuclear power generation station

Let's Talk Nuclear Resources


Discover a list of resources to get you thinking about all things nuclear!

3D Illustration of human lungs

Respiratory System in Vertebrate Animals


Learn about how different animals breathe, from fish to humans.

Working at laptop with stethoscope on desk

Summer Symposium Series: Health Sciences Career Resources


A career in the health sciences would let you help people directly in a very 'hands-on' way!

Cory Nykiforuk

Cory Nykiforuk

Director, Pipeline Research

Kevin Chen

Kevin Chen

CEO, Co-Founder

Image of T cells attacking and killing cancer cells

Resources on Cancer

STEM Explained

Medical staff distributing COVID-19 vaccines

What’s Special About the New COVID-19 Vaccines?

STEM Explained

Learn about viruses, vaccines and why the new COVID-19 vaccines are innovative.