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Unit 1: Ecosystems

portrait de Adrian Prado

Adrian Prado (he/him)

Career Profiles

Sustainable Development Support Analyst

I help communities with their climate change adaptation plans and sustainable development issues.
Earth with thermometer

Let's Talk Climate Change: Resources


Discover a set of resources to give you background knowledge on climate change.

Cornfield in Ontario

Let's Talk Food Resources


Discover a set of resources curated to get you ready to discuss sustainable agriculture and food security.

A biodiesel filling station

Introduction to Biofuels

STEM Explained

Learn about biofuels and what makes them a promising alternative to fossil fuels.

Cars driving through thick smog

How Vehicles Pollute the Air


Learn how vehicles affect air quality, including their contribution to smog.

Portrait de Devon Hardy

Devon Hardy (she/her/elle)

Career Profiles

Program Director

I run a non-profit program that supports environmental sustainability in the arts.
Shown is an artistic rendering of coloured nerve cells.

Networks of Life


Learn about the math behind networks and where we find networks in the natural and technological world.

Western Toad

Frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts, oh my!


Learn about amphibians, their life in the coastal temperate rainforest biome, and how you can help them out!

Nancy Duquet-Harvey

Nancy Duquet-Harvey

Career Profiles

Environmental Superintendent

I make sure that we don't harm the environment with our mining activities.
Stephanie Arnold pilotant un drone dans un champ de pommes de terre.

Stephanie Arnold (she/they)

Career Profiles

Climate Services Specialist (PEI)

I help others understand how climate change affects themselves, their communities and their work.
Coyote walking through a park in Quebec

Coyotes: Coming to a town near you?

STEM Explained

Learn why coyotes are spreading in Canada and how this affects their relations with humans.

Yetong Dong headshot wearing lab coat

Yetong Dong

Career Profiles

Research Assistant/Graduate Student

I am studying to become a scientific researcher.
Adrienne Ethier

Adrienne Ethier

Career Profiles

Environmental Risk Assessment Specialist

I am responsible for evaluating potential exposure risks to people and the environment near nuclear facilities and mines.
Portrait de Ryan Mitchell

Ryan Mitchell

Career Profiles

Hatchery Supervisor

My job is to supervise the daily workflow at our salmon hatchery.
Daryl Lawes

Daryl Lawes

Career Profiles

Environment Manager

I am responsible for all aspects of environmental protection, performance, and regulatory compliance for Seaspan Shipyards.